
class unreal.EditorUtilityWidgetBlueprint(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.WidgetBlueprint

Editor Utility Widget Blueprint

C++ Source:

  • Module: Blutility

  • File: EditorUtilityWidgetBlueprint.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blueprint_category (str): [Read-Write] The category of the Blueprint, used to organize this Blueprint class when displayed in palette windows

  • blueprint_description (str): [Read-Write] Shows up in the content browser tooltip when the blueprint is hovered

  • blueprint_display_name (str): [Read-Write] Overrides the BP’s display name in the editor UI

  • blueprint_namespace (str): [Read-Write] The namespace of this blueprint (if set, the Blueprint will be treated differently for the context menu)

  • compile_mode (BlueprintCompileMode): [Read-Write] The mode that will be used when compiling this class.

  • deprecate (bool): [Read-Write] Deprecates the Blueprint, marking the generated class with the CLASS_Deprecated flag

  • generate_abstract_class (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not this blueprint’s class is a abstract class or not. Should set CLASS_Abstract in the KismetCompiler.

  • generate_const_class (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not this blueprint’s class is a const class or not. Should set CLASS_Const in the KismetCompiler.

  • hide_categories (Array(str)): [Read-Write] Additional HideCategories. These are added to HideCategories from parent.

  • run_construction_script_in_sequencer (bool): [Read-Write] whether or not you want to continuously rerun the construction script for an actor in sequencer

  • run_construction_script_on_drag (bool): [Read-Write] whether or not you want to continuously rerun the construction script for an actor as you drag it in the editor, or only when the drag operation is complete

  • thumbnail_info (ThumbnailInfo): [Read-Only] Information for thumbnail rendering