
class unreal.FrameTime(frame_number=[0], sub_frame=0.0)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Represents a time by a context-free frame number, plus a sub frame value in the range [0:1). note: The full C++ class is located here: EngineSourceRuntimeCorePublicMiscFrameTime.h note: The ‘SubFrame’ field is private to match its C++ class declaration in the header above.

C++ Source:

  • Module: CoreUObject

  • File: NoExportTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • frame_number (FrameNumber): [Read-Write] Count of frames from start of timing

  • sub_frame (float): [Read-Write] Time within a frame, always between >= 0 and < 1

property frame_number

[Read-Write] Count of frames from start of timing



property sub_frame

[Read-Write] Time within a frame, always between >= 0 and < 1

