
class unreal.MagicLeapConnectionsInviteArgs(invitee_count=0, invite_user_prompt='', invite_payload='', default_invitee_filter=MagicLeapConnectionsInviteeFilter.FOLLOWING)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Stores arguments for the sending invite process

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeapConnections

  • Module: MagicLeapConnections

  • File: MagicLeapConnectionsTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • default_invitee_filter (MagicLeapConnectionsInviteeFilter): [Read-Write] Type of filter applied by default to ML connections list in invitee selection dialog.

  • invite_payload (str): [Read-Write] Payload message to be delivered to remote copy of the application with invite in serialized text form. Caller should allocate memory for this. Encoding should be in UTF8. This will be copied internally.

  • invite_user_prompt (str): [Read-Write] Text prompt to be displayed to the user with invitee selection dialog. Caller should allocate memory for this. Encoding should be in UTF8. This will be copied internally.

  • invitee_count (int32): [Read-Write] Max number of connections to be invited. Min limit is 1.

property default_invitee_filter

[Read-Write] Type of filter applied by default to ML connections list in invitee selection dialog.



property invite_payload

[Read-Write] Payload message to be delivered to remote copy of the application with invite in serialized text form. Caller should allocate memory for this. Encoding should be in UTF8. This will be copied internally.



property invite_user_prompt

[Read-Write] Text prompt to be displayed to the user with invitee selection dialog. Caller should allocate memory for this. Encoding should be in UTF8. This will be copied internally.



property invitee_count

[Read-Write] Max number of connections to be invited. Min limit is 1.

