
class unreal.MagicLeapPlanesQuery(flags=[], max_results=10, min_hole_length=5.0, min_plane_area=100.0, search_volume_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], search_volume_orientation=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], search_volume_extents=[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], similarity_threshold=1.0, search_volume_tracking_space=False, result_tracking_space=False)

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Type used to represent a plane query.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MagicLeap

  • Module: MagicLeapPlanes

  • File: MagicLeapPlanesTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • flags (Array(MagicLeapPlaneQueryFlags)): [Read-Write] The flags to apply to this query.

  • max_results (int32): [Read-Write] The maximum number of results that should be returned. This is also the minimum expected size of the array of results passed to the MLPlanesGetResult function.

  • min_hole_length (float): [Read-Write] If #MLPlanesQueryFlag_IgnoreHoles is set to false, holes with a perimeter (in meters) smaller than this value will be ignored, and can be part of the plane. This value cannot be lower than 0 (lower values will be capped to this minimum). A good default value is 50cm.

  • min_plane_area (float): [Read-Write] The minimum area (in squared meters) of planes to be returned. This value cannot be lower than 400 (lower values will be capped to this minimum).

  • result_tracking_space (bool): [Read-Write] A flag representing what coordinate space the results are in. If set, the results are in HMD tracking space. If unset, the results are is in world space.

  • search_volume (BoxComponent): [Read-Write] DEPRECATED. Use individual fields for setting search volume position, orientation and extents. deprecated: Property ‘SearchVolume’ is deprecated.

  • search_volume_extents (Vector): [Read-Write] Search Volume Extents

  • search_volume_orientation (Quat): [Read-Write] Search Volume Orientation

  • search_volume_position (Vector): [Read-Write] Search Volume Position

  • search_volume_tracking_space (bool): [Read-Write] A flag representing what coordinate space the search volume is in. If set, the search volume is in HMD tracking space. If unset, the search volume is in world space.

  • similarity_threshold (float): [Read-Write] The threshold used to compare incoming planes with any cached planes. Larger values reduce the amount of NewPlanes returned by a persistent query. Larger values increase the amount of error in the current set of planes.

property flags

[Read-Write] The flags to apply to this query.



property max_results

[Read-Write] The maximum number of results that should be returned. This is also the minimum expected size of the array of results passed to the MLPlanesGetResult function.



property min_hole_length

[Read-Write] If #MLPlanesQueryFlag_IgnoreHoles is set to false, holes with a perimeter (in meters) smaller than this value will be ignored, and can be part of the plane. This value cannot be lower than 0 (lower values will be capped to this minimum). A good default value is 50cm.



property min_plane_area

[Read-Write] The minimum area (in squared meters) of planes to be returned. This value cannot be lower than 400 (lower values will be capped to this minimum).



property result_tracking_space

[Read-Write] A flag representing what coordinate space the results are in. If set, the results are in HMD tracking space. If unset, the results are is in world space.



property search_volume

[Read-Write] DEPRECATED. Use individual fields for setting search volume position, orientation and extents. deprecated: Property ‘SearchVolume’ is deprecated.



property search_volume_extents

[Read-Write] Search Volume Extents



property search_volume_orientation

[Read-Write] Search Volume Orientation



property search_volume_position

[Read-Write] Search Volume Position



property search_volume_tracking_space

[Read-Write] A flag representing what coordinate space the search volume is in. If set, the search volume is in HMD tracking space. If unset, the search volume is in world space.



property similarity_threshold

[Read-Write] The threshold used to compare incoming planes with any cached planes. Larger values reduce the amount of NewPlanes returned by a persistent query. Larger values increase the amount of error in the current set of planes.

