
class unreal.MaterialOptions(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Object

Options object to define what and how a material should be baked out

C++ Source:

  • Module: MaterialBaking

  • File: MaterialOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • lod_indices (Array(int32)): [Read-Write] LOD indices for which the materials should be baked out

  • properties (Array(PropertyEntry)): [Read-Write] Properties which are supposed to be baked out for the material(s)

  • texture_coordinate_index (int32): [Read-Write] Specific texture coordinate which should be used to while baking out material properties as the positions stream

  • texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Size of the final texture(s) containing the baked out property data

  • use_mesh_data (bool): [Read-Write] Determines whether to not allow usage of the source mesh data while baking out material properties

  • use_specific_uv_index (bool): [Read-Write] Flag whether or not the value of TextureCoordinateIndex should be used while baking out material properties

property lod_indices

[Read-Write] LOD indices for which the materials should be baked out



property properties

[Read-Write] Properties which are supposed to be baked out for the material(s)



property texture_coordinate_index

[Read-Write] Specific texture coordinate which should be used to while baking out material properties as the positions stream



property texture_size

[Read-Write] Size of the final texture(s) containing the baked out property data



property use_mesh_data

[Read-Write] Determines whether to not allow usage of the source mesh data while baking out material properties



property use_specific_uv_index

[Read-Write] Flag whether or not the value of TextureCoordinateIndex should be used while baking out material properties

