
class unreal.MatineeCameraShake(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.CameraShakeBase

Legacy camera shake which can do either oscillation or run camera anims.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: GameplayCameras

  • Module: GameplayCameras

  • File: MatineeCameraShake.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • anim (CameraAnim): [Read-Write] Source camera animation to play. Can be null.

  • anim_blend_in_time (float): [Read-Write] Linear blend-in time.

  • anim_blend_out_time (float): [Read-Write] Linear blend-out time.

  • anim_inst (CameraAnimInst): [Read-Write] The playing instance of the CameraAnim-based shake, if any.

  • anim_play_rate (float): [Read-Write] Scalar defining how fast to play the anim.

  • anim_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scalar defining how “intense” to play the anim.

  • anim_sequence (CameraAnimationSequence): [Read-Write] Source camera animation sequence to play. Can be null, but can’t have both Anim and AnimSequence.

  • fov_oscillation (FOscillator): [Read-Write] FOV oscillation

  • loc_oscillation (VOscillator): [Read-Write] Positional oscillation

  • oscillation_blend_in_time (float): [Read-Write] Duration of the blend-in, where the oscillation scales from 0 to 1.

  • oscillation_blend_out_time (float): [Read-Write] Duration of the blend-out, where the oscillation scales from 1 to 0.

  • oscillation_duration (float): [Read-Write] Duration in seconds of current screen shake. Less than 0 means indefinite, 0 means no oscillation.

  • oscillator_time_remaining (float): [Read-Write] Time remaining for oscillation shakes. Less than 0.f means shake infinitely.

  • random_anim_segment (bool): [Read-Write] If true, play a random snippet of the animation of length Duration. Implies bLoop and bRandomStartTime = true for the CameraAnim. If false, play the full anim once, non-looped. Useful for getting variety out of a single looped CameraAnim asset.

  • random_anim_segment_duration (float): [Read-Write] When bRandomAnimSegment is true, this defines how long the anim should play.

  • root_shake_pattern (CameraShakePattern): [Read-Write] The root pattern for this camera shake

  • rot_oscillation (ROscillator): [Read-Write] Rotational oscillation

  • shake_scale (float): [Read-Write] The overall scale to apply to the shake. Only valid when the shake is active.

  • single_instance (bool): [Read-Write] If true to only allow a single instance of this shake class to play at any given time. Subsequent attempts to play this shake will simply restart the timer.

property anim_inst

[Read-Only] The playing instance of the CameraAnim-based shake, if any.



blueprint_update_camera_shake(delta_time, alpha, pov)MinimalViewInfo

Called every tick to let the shake modify the point of view


modified_pov (MinimalViewInfo):

Return type


property fov_oscillation

[Read-Write] FOV oscillation



property loc_oscillation

[Read-Write] Positional oscillation



property oscillator_time_remaining

[Read-Only] Time remaining for oscillation shakes. Less than 0.f means shake infinitely.




Called to allow a shake to decide when it’s finished playing.


Return type



Called when the shake starts playing


scale (float) –


Called when the shake is explicitly stopped.


immediately (bool) –

property rot_oscillation

[Read-Write] Rotational oscillation



classmethod start_matinee_camera_shake(player_camera_manager, shake_class, scale=1.0, play_space=CameraShakePlaySpace.CAMERA_LOCAL, user_play_space_rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])MatineeCameraShake

Backwards compatible method used by core BP redirectors. This is needed because the return value is specifically a Matinee camera shake, which some BP logic often uses directly to set oscillator/anim properties.


Return type


classmethod start_matinee_camera_shake_from_source(player_camera_manager, shake_class, source_component, scale=1.0, play_space=CameraShakePlaySpace.CAMERA_LOCAL, user_play_space_rot=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])MatineeCameraShake

Backwards compatible method used by core BP redirectors. This is needed because the return value is specifically a Matinee camera shake, which some BP logic often uses directly to set oscillator/anim properties.


Return type
