
class unreal.NiagaraRibbonRendererProperties(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.NiagaraRendererProperties

Niagara Ribbon Renderer Properties

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: Niagara

  • File: NiagaraRibbonRendererProperties.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • color_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for color when generating ribbons?

  • curve_tension (float): [Read-Write] Defines the curve tension, or how long the curve’s tangents are. Ranges from 0 to 1. The higher the value, the sharper the curve becomes.

  • custom_vertices (Array(NiagaraRibbonShapeCustomVertex)): [Read-Write] Vertices for a cross section of the ribbon in custom shape mode.

  • draw_direction (NiagaraRibbonDrawDirection): [Read-Write] If true, the particles are only sorted when using a translucent material.

  • dynamic_material1_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • dynamic_material2_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • dynamic_material3_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • dynamic_material_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating ribbons?

  • facing_mode (NiagaraRibbonFacingMode): [Read-Write] Facing Mode

  • material (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] UNiagaraRendererProperties Interface END

  • material_parameter_bindings (Array(NiagaraMaterialAttributeBinding)): [Read-Write] If this array has entries, we will create a MaterialInstanceDynamic per Emitter instance from Material and set the Material parameters using the Niagara simulation variables listed.

  • material_random_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for MaterialRandom when generating ribbons?

  • material_user_param_binding (NiagaraUserParameterBinding): [Read-Write] Use the UMaterialInterface bound to this user variable if it is set to a valid value. If this is bound to a valid value and Material is also set, UserParamBinding wins.

  • motion_vector_setting (NiagaraRendererMotionVectorSetting): [Read-Write] Hint about how to generate motion (velocity) vectors for this renderer.

  • multi_plane_count (int32): [Read-Write] Number of planes in multiplane shape. Evenly distributed from 0-90 or 0-180 degrees off camera facing depending on setting

  • normalized_age_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for normalized age when generating ribbons?

  • platforms (NiagaraPlatformSet): [Read-Write] Platforms on which this renderer is enabled.

  • position_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for position when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_facing_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon facing when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_id_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon id when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_link_order_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for RibbonLinkOrder when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_twist_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon twist when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_uv_distance (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon distance traveled for use in UV operations when generating ribbons?

  • ribbon_width_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for ribbon width when generating ribbons?

  • screen_space_tessellation (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, use the ribbon’s screen space percentage to adaptively adjust the tessellation factor.

  • shape (NiagaraRibbonShapeMode): [Read-Write] Shape of the ribbon, from flat plane, multiplane, 3d tube, and custom shapes.

  • sort_order_hint (int32): [Read-Write] By default, emitters are drawn in the order that they are added to the system. This value will allow you to control the order in a more fine-grained manner.

    Materials of the same type (i.e. Transparent) will draw in order from lowest to highest within the system. The default value is 0.

  • tessellation_angle (float): [Read-Write] Defines the angle in degrees at which tessellation occurs. Ranges from 1 to 180. Smaller values increase amount of tessellation. If set to 0, use the maximum tessellation set above.

  • tessellation_factor (int32): [Read-Write] Custom tessellation factor. Ranges from 1 to 16. Greater values increase amount of tessellation.

  • tessellation_mode (NiagaraRibbonTessellationMode): [Read-Write] Defines the tessellation mode allowing custom tessellation parameters or disabling tessellation entirely.

  • tube_subdivisions (int32): [Read-Write] Number of vertices/faces in a tube.

  • u0_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV0 U when generating ribbons?

  • u1_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV1 U when generating ribbons?

  • use_constant_factor (bool): [Read-Write] If checked, use the above constant factor. Otherwise, adaptively select the tessellation factor based on the below parameters.

  • uv0_settings (NiagaraRibbonUVSettings): [Read-Write] UV0Settings

  • uv1_settings (NiagaraRibbonUVSettings): [Read-Write] UV1Settings

  • v0_range_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV0 V when generating ribbons?

  • v1_range_override_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for UV1 V when generating ribbons?

  • velocity_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Which attribute should we use for velocity when generating ribbons?

  • width_segmentation_count (int32): [Read-Write] Tessellation factor to apply to the width of the ribbon. Ranges from 1 to 16. Greater values increase amount of tessellation.