
class unreal.ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveBase

Particle Module Location Primitive Cylinder

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • b3d_draw_mode (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the module should render its 3D visualization helper

  • height_axis (CylinderHeightAxis): [Read-Write] Determine particle particle system axis that should represent the height of the cylinder. Can be one of the following:

    PMLPC_HEIGHTAXIS_X - Orient the height along the particle system X-axis. PMLPC_HEIGHTAXIS_Y - Orient the height along the particle system Y-axis. PMLPC_HEIGHTAXIS_Z - Orient the height along the particle system Z-axis.

  • module_editor_color (Color): [Read-Write] The color to draw the modules curves in the curve editor.

    If bCurvesAsColor is true, it overrides this value.

  • negative_x (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the negative X axis is valid for spawning.

  • negative_y (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the negative Y axis is valid for spawning.

  • negative_z (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the negative Zaxis is valid for spawning.

  • positive_x (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the positive X axis is valid for spawning.

  • positive_y (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the positive Y axis is valid for spawning.

  • positive_z (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the positive Z axis is valid for spawning.

  • radial_velocity (bool): [Read-Write] If true, get the particle velocity form the radial distance inside the primitive.

  • start_height (RawDistributionFloat): [Read-Write] The height of the cylinder, centered about the location.

  • start_location (RawDistributionVector): [Read-Write] The location of the bounding primitive relative to the position of the emitter.

  • start_radius (RawDistributionFloat): [Read-Write] The radius of the cylinder.

  • surface_only (bool): [Read-Write] Whether particles will only spawn on the surface of the primitive.

  • velocity (bool): [Read-Write] Whether the particle should get its velocity from the position within the primitive.

  • velocity_scale (RawDistributionFloat): [Read-Write] The scale applied to the velocity. (Only used if ‘Velocity’ is checked).

get_particle_module_location_primitive_cylinder_props() -> (out_radial_velocity=bool, out_start_radius=Distribution, out_start_height=Distribution, out_height_axis=CylinderHeightAxis, out_positive_x=bool, out_positive_y=bool, out_positive_z=bool, out_negative_x=bool, out_negative_y=bool, out_negative_z=bool, out_surface_only=bool, out_velocity=bool, out_velocity_scale=Distribution, out_start_location=Distribution)

Get Particle Module Location Primitive Cylinder Props


out_radial_velocity (bool):

out_start_radius (Distribution):

out_start_height (Distribution):

out_height_axis (CylinderHeightAxis):

out_positive_x (bool):

out_positive_y (bool):

out_positive_z (bool):

out_negative_x (bool):

out_negative_y (bool):

out_negative_z (bool):

out_surface_only (bool):

out_velocity (bool):

out_velocity_scale (Distribution):

out_start_location (Distribution):

Return type
