
class unreal.SubdivisionLimitData(vertex_positions=[], sections=[], subdivided_wire_edges=[])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Subdivision Limit Data

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: EditableMesh

  • Module: EditableMesh

  • File: EditableMeshTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • sections (Array(SubdivisionLimitSection)): [Read-Write] Data for each of the sections in the mesh. This array will have the same number of elements as the editable mesh’s

    section list (not necessarily the same indices though, due to sparseness).

  • subdivided_wire_edges (Array(SubdividedWireEdge)): [Read-Write] All of the wire edges in the entire mesh (for all sections)

  • vertex_positions (Array(Vector)): [Read-Write] Positions of all of the vertices for this subdivision level. Many vertex positions may be shared between subdivided quads.

property sections

[Read-Write] Data for each of the sections in the mesh. This array will have the same number of elements as the editable mesh’s section list (not necessarily the same indices though, due to sparseness).



property subdivided_wire_edges

[Read-Write] All of the wire edges in the entire mesh (for all sections)



property vertex_positions

[Read-Write] Positions of all of the vertices for this subdivision level. Many vertex positions may be shared between subdivided quads.

