
class unreal.TakeRecorderDMXLibrarySource(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.TakeRecorderSource

A recording source for DMX data related to a DMX Library

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DMXEngine

  • Module: DMXEditor

  • File: TakeRecorderDMXLibrarySource.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • add_all_patches_dummy (AddAllPatchesButton): [Read-Write] Dummy property to be replaced with the “Add all patches” button. See: FAddAllPatchesButton

  • dmx_library (DMXLibrary): [Read-Write] DMX Library to record Patches’ Fixture Functions from

  • enabled (bool): [Read-Write] True if this source is cued for recording or not

  • fixture_patch_refs (Array(DMXEntityFixturePatchRef)): [Read-Write] The Fixture Patches to record from the selected Library

  • record_normalized_values (bool): [Read-Write] If true, all values are recorded as normalized values (0.0 to 1.0).

    If false, values are recorded as absolute values, depending on the data type of a patch: 0-255 for 8bit, 0-65’536 for 16bit, 0-16’777’215 for 24bit. 32bit is not fully supported in this mode.

  • reduce_keys (bool): [Read-Write] Eliminate repeated keyframe values after recording is done

  • take_number (int32): [Read-Write] Take Number

  • track_tint (Color): [Read-Write] Track Tint


Adds all Patches from the active DMX Library as recording sources

property dmx_library

[Read-Write] DMX Library to record Patches’ Fixture Functions from



property fixture_patch_refs

[Read-Write] The Fixture Patches to record from the selected Library



property record_normalized_values

[Read-Write] If true, all values are recorded as normalized values (0.0 to 1.0).

If false, values are recorded as absolute values, depending on the data type of a patch: 0-255 for 8bit, 0-65’536 for 16bit, 0-16’777’215 for 24bit. 32bit is not fully supported in this mode.



property reduce_keys

[Read-Write] Eliminate repeated keyframe values after recording is done

