Stages Folder Structure

A reference guide for organizing your In-Camera VFX project's Stages files in the Content Browser.

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The recommended Stages folder structure in the Content Browser

The Stages folder contains the nDisplay Configurations which describe the topology of the LED volume or volumes used and all related files.

The files in this section are linked to the Envs folder files, as they will all be combined for the final In-Camera VFX persistent levels.

  • EpicLA

    • EpicLAStage_P - Main Stage persistent level

    • WarpMeshes - Meshes that make up the volume

      • EpicLA_C1

        • SM_EpicLA_C1

        • MI_EpicLA_C1_(Description)_A

        • T_EpicLA_C1_(Description)_A

    • Configs

      • NPC_EpicLA_(Description)

      • EpicLA_(Description).cfg - .cfg files are not visible in the content browser

A diagram showing the recommended Stages folder structure for your project in the Content Browser.

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