Spawnables and Possessables

Spawn temporary Actors, lights, and other objects in your scene by utilizing Spawnables.

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In Sequencer, you can choose to either reference an Actor that currently exists in the scene - referred to as a Possessable - or spawn a new Actor - referred to as a Spawnable . This document provides an overview of these concepts and how you can utilize them in your scenes.



Possessing Actors is done by adding or binding Actors that exist in the Level to your sequence.

actor to sequencer possessable

Once an Actor is possessed, the sequence will be linked to the instance of that Actor in the current Level. In most cases this might be an acceptable or even preferable workflow. If your scene requires a high degree of interaction with currently existing Actors in a Level, then possessing is likely the best choice for referencing Actors.


In cases where your scene requires Actors that might be temporary for the duration of a scene, you can use Sequencer's Spawnable feature for creating temporary Actors. By default, when a sequence with a Spawnable Actor starts, the Actor will be spawned. When the sequence ends, the Actor will be destroyed and removed.

A Spawnable Actor in Sequencer is denoted by a lightning bolt overlay on the Actor's icon.

sequencer spawnable actor

A Spawned property track that has been enabled is also required and will be created automatically when using Spawnable Actors. If this track is deleted or disabled, then the Actor will not appear. This track can be keyframed if you want to more accurately control when the Spawnable Actor will appear.

spawned track

Creating a Spawnable Actor

Spawnable Actors can be added to your sequence in a few ways.

You can right-click a Possessable Actor and select Convert to Spawnable . This will copy and delete the current Actor in your Level and create a Spawnable Actor based on the copy in Sequencer instead.

convert to spawnable

A Spawnable Actor can be converted back to Possessable by doing the same steps. When that occurs, the Actor is re-created in your Level and the Actor track is bound to it, removing the Spawnable Actor.

Dragging an Actor from the 콘텐츠 브라우저 or Place Actors panels into the Sequencer Outliner will also add them as Spawnable Actors.

add spawnable actor to sequencer


Spawnable Actors have various properties that control their behavior and interactions with Sequencer. These properties can be accessed by right-clicking a Spawnable Actor track and locating the Spawnable category.

spawnable properties

Property Name


Spawned Object Owner

Specifies which Level Sequence owns the Actor, which also determines the automatic spawn behavior.

  • This Sequence is the default setting which causes the Actor to be spawned and destroyed for the duration of the current sequence only.

  • Master Sequence causes the Actor to spawn and unspawn for the duration of the master sequence, if one is being used. This causes the Actor to be spawned and destroyed outside the bounds of the current sequence.

  • External causes the Actor to spawn at the start of the sequence, but it will not be destroyed at the end. You can instead destroy the Actor through Blueprints by using Sequencer Tags and Groups .

Spawned Level

Specifies which Level the Actor will spawn into. This list is determined by what Levels exist in your Levels window.

Change Class

Specifies the class that will rebind the spawned Actor to the chosen class from your project.

Continuously Respawn

When enabled, the Actor will continuously spawn every tick, ignoring any external destroy events.

Evaluate Tracks When Not Spawned

When enabled, all tracks from this Actor will still be evaluated even if the Actor is not spawned. This is useful if the Actor requires any preprocessing before being spawned.

Net Addressable

When enabled, this Spawnable Actor will be spawned using a unique name that allows it to be referenced by the server and client.

Save Default State

Saves the current state of this Spawnable Actor. Typically you do not need to click this as Unreal Engine will attempt to automatically save any changes to the Spawnable Actor.

Convert to Possessable

Converts the Actor to a Possessable Actor. When this occurs, the Actor is re-created in your Level and the Actor track binds to it, removing the Spawnable Actor.


Spawnable Actors can help you create more organized scenes in terms of content organization and management. Examples of when or how you can use Spawnable Actors effectively are listed below.

Lighting Scenes

Instead of placing several lights in your Level that have to be manually enabled /disabled per shot, you can simply just add the required lights to your shot as Spawnable Actors. They will exist only for that shot, and not clutter your Level with unnecessary lights.

temporary spawnable lights scene

This workflow can also be used for any temporary Actor, such as particles.

Sequencer in Different Levels

If every Actor within your sequence is a Spawnable Actor, then it is possible to reference that sequence in multiple different Levels and have all the Actors appear. This will allow cutscenes to play in multiple Levels using the same spawned Actors.

same scene different level

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