Animation Productivity Tips and Tricks

Workflow tips and tricks for animators and animation programmers.

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Opening in Separate Tabs

Hold SHIFT while opening an animation asset to open it in a new tab.


Animation Asset Filtering

With an animation asset open, you can filter for content in the Asset Browser tab. Especially useful filters include Anim Filters > Uses Curve... and Anim Filters > Uses Skeleton Notify... .

Content Browser Filtering

The Content Browser has various filters for animation content, but be sure to also look at the Other Filters category. It has helpful options, such as Checked Out files.

Reference Viewer

The Reference Viewer is very helpful for tracking down what assets reference animation assets.
Hotkey: Alt+Shift+R


Content Browser Advanced Search Syntax

Refer to the Advanced Search Syntax documentation for information on how to use the Content Browser's advanced search features.

Animation Blueprints

Blueprint Editor Cheat Sheet

Refer to the Blueprint Cheat Sheet for useful general tips on working with the Blueprint Editor .

Pose Watch

Right-click any anim node in the Animation Graph and select Toggle Pose Watch to see a debug drawing of the pose at that point in the graph.

Pose watch

Animation Sequence / Montage Editor

Visualizing Additives

When viewing an additive animation, click the Character button at the top of the preview viewport and choose Animation > Additive Base to draw the base pose.

visualizing additives

Editor Preferences


You can disable AutoSave with the Enable AutoSave setting in the Editor Preferences .

Level Loading

Set the Load Level at Startup setting in Editor Preferences to Last Opened to always load the last level you had opened when relaunching the editor.

General Tips

Revert Unsaved Changes

If you've made unsaved changes to a file and you want to clear them, right click the file in the Content Browser and choose Asset Actions > Reload .

Play In Editor (PIE)

Animation Debug Text



NextDebugTarget (PGUP)

Change debug target

PreviousDebugTarget (PGDOWN)

Change debug target


Clears display


Toggles display state of animation debug data


Toggles display of a specific category (see autocomplete results)

Miscellaneous Commands




Debug options for various animation nodes

Log <Category> <Verbosity>

Change log verbosity

Example of changing log verbosity: Log LogAnimMontage Verbose

p.VisualizeMovement 0

Hide movement component debug

p.VisualizeMovement 1

Show movement component debug

show Bones

Show/hide bones

show Collision

Show/hide collision

Slomo 0.5

Slow motion

Stat FPS

Show framerate

t.MaxFPS 0

Remove framerate limit

t.MaxFPS 20

Limit framerate to 20 (warning: affects editor)

Debugging LODs



a.VisualizeLODs 0

Hide LOD info

a.VisualizeLODs 1

Show LOD info


Force all skeletal meshes to LOD 2


Disable forced LO

Debugging Properties



DisplayAll <ClassName> <PropertyName>

Display value of a property on all objects of a specific class

Example using DisplayAll for component value: DisplayAll CharacterMovementComponent Velocity

Example using DisplayAll for AnimBP value: DisplayAll MyAnimBP_C AimYaw


Clears results of DisplayAll

GetAll <ClassName> <PropertyName>

Same as DisplayAll, but prints to the Output Log

Display <ObjectName> <PropertyName>

Display property value for a single instance

Using Display to find Actors The GetAll command can be useful for finding what to use for <ObjectName> .

  1. Find the Actor ID you're interested in by hovering over its name in the World Outliner . For example: BP_MyPawn_C_3

  2. Run GetAll MyAnimBP AimYaw

  3. Find the path to the object name in the Output Log. For example: /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1:PersistentLevel.BP_MyPawn_C_3.CharacterMesh0.MyAnimBP_C_0

  4. Run Display /Temp/UEDPIE_0_Untitled_1.Untitled_1:PersistentLevel.BP_MyPawn_C_3.CharacterMesh0.MyAnimBP_C_0 AimYaw

Memory Tracking



obj list class="AnimSequence"

List all animation sequences that are loaded (recommend testing in a cooked build)

obj refs name=ASSET_NAME

Print the reference chain of a specific asset

Example: obj refs name= /Game/Characters/Animations/ThirdPersonJump_End.ThirdPersonJump_End

Cheat Scripts

You can combine console commands into a single command by adding Cheat Scripts to your game's DefaultGame.ini.


    +Cmd="DisplayAll CharacterMovementComponent Velocity"
    +Cmd="DisplayAll MyAnimBP_C AimYaw"

Run from the console with: CheatScript ShowAnimVars .

Editor Utility Widgets

Editor Utility Widgets allow custom editor widgets to be created entirely in Blueprint. A common use case is to create a set of buttons that trigger common Console Commands.

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