Visual Logger

Tool that captures state from actors and then displays it visually in game or editor.

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The Visual Logger is a powerful debugging tool that creates and records visual representations of the gameplay state, and provides the ability to review this data in the Editor. Developers can see debug output live during a play session, or review it in the Editor after the session is over, making it much easier to resolve gameplay bugs that are hard to track down based only on user reports or game footage. The ability to record information for later review is especially important when working with rare or difficult-to-reproduce bugs. For example, an unexpected AI behavior may be caused by a game state variable that changes for a single frame can be studied after the fact by recording the data and scrubbing through the frames around the moment when the bug happened.

To activate the Visual Logger, use the menu in Windows > Developer Tools > Visual Logger . In Unreal Engine versions prior to 4.7, enter the console command "VisLog". If you are in the Editor, the Visual Logger viewport will also open.


Using the Visual Logger during a session of the Epic Games sample, StrategyGame. The purple line indicates the AI's path, and the red location marker shows the selected point in the timeline.

The Visual Logger Viewport

In the Editor, the Visual Logger viewport provides the ability to review Visual Logger output from pre-recorded sessions, enabling developers to review a bug after the fact.


The Visual Logger viewport in the Editor.

The viewport contains a list of all Actors that logged any visualization data, a detailed snapshot of the status of the Actor selected in the Actor list, a text window for displaying debug message output, and a time bar to enable scrubbing through the recorded data.

The Actor List

The highlighted area in the following image shows the list of Actors that have logged information to the Visual Logger during the recorded session. There is also a search bar to help users find a specific Actor's log information quickly.


The Actor list and its search bar.

The Actor Snapshot View

Any data that an Actor collects with the UE_VLOG macro will appear in the highlighted area of the following image. The Visual Logger will display data coming from the Actor selected in the Actor list, at the time indicated by the timeline scrubber. Data that the Visual Logger captures as part of the snapshot can be categorized and customized in your game's code, and you can expand or collapse these categories.

Making multiple visual logging calls in the same frame and from the same Actor will overwrite the previously-captured data.


The Actor snapshot area with custom categories expanded.

The Text Window

The Visual Logger's text window shows log messages from the current frame, broken up into categories. Multiple log messages recorded in the same category and the same frame will show up as a list.


The text window area where debug messages appear.

The Timeline

The timeline view features a bar that advances (or rewinds) the logger to any point in time you choose. In the image below, the scrubber is at the 23.53 second mark, and the Actor list has "StrategyAIController_1" selected. By scrubbing the time bar, you can view the selected Actor's status and the text window at different times in the recorded log data.


The timeline area.

Adding Visual Logger Support

There are three types of data that you can add to the Visual Logger:

Data Type

Output Description

Actor Snapshots

These will appear in the Actor snapshot area, and should update once per frame while the actor exists.

Log Messages

All text that you log with the Visual Logger will appear in the text window. Text appears on a single-frame basis.

Debug Shapes

You can draw a variety of shapes into the game world. These shapes can last for multiple frames, and have many adjustable parameters, such as size and color.

Taking Actor Snapshots

To add data to the Actor Shapshot View, override the AActor function, GrabDebugSnapshot . Because this function only exists in builds with Visual Logging enabled, be sure to check the ENABLE_VISUAL_LOG macro around any code related to this feature. For example, your Actor's class definition would include a block of code that looks like this:

    // Appends information about this actor to the visual logger.
    virtual void GrabDebugSnapshot(FVisualLogEntry* Snapshot) const override;

The following sample code was part of a GDC demo that added Visual Logging to a customized version of the First-Person Shooter template's Character class called AGDCCharacter . This code adds a single entry under the "GDC Sample" category. The entry is labeled "Projectile Class" and contains the type of projectile that the Character spawns when firing.

void AGDCCharacter::GrabDebugSnapshot(FVisualLogEntry* Snapshot) const
    const int32 CatIndex = Snapshot->Status.AddZeroed();
    FVisualLogStatusCategory& PlaceableCategory = Snapshot->Status[CatIndex];
    PlaceableCategory.Category = TEXT("GDC Sample");
    PlaceableCategory.Add(TEXT("Projectile Class"), ProjectileClass != nullptr ? ProjectileClass->GetName() : TEXT("None"));

This function will run automatically on the first call to the Visual Logger. Add any information that you want to see in the Actor Snapshot View into this function.


Visual Logger with the Actor Snapshot of an AGDCCharacter .

Logging Text

You can log to the Text Window with the UE_VLOG macro. The Text Window displays information on a per-frame bases, so only text logged in the current frame will show up as you scrub through the recorded data. You can log text from anywhere, and the UE_VLOG macro will cleanly remove itself from compilation in builds that don't support the Visual Logging system, so it is safe to use without checking the ENABLE_VISUAL_LOG macro. The macro takes parameters indicating the Actor associated with the text, the log category and verbosity level (used for filtering the display), and the text itself.

In the following sample code, our customized Character uses UE_VLOG to log information after firing a projectile:

void AGDCCharacter::OnFire()
    // Try to fire a projectile
    if (ProjectileClass != NULL)
        // Collect our aim rotation.
        const FRotator SpawnRotation = GetControlRotation();
        // MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the character location to find the final muzzle position.
        const FVector SpawnLocation = GetActorLocation() + SpawnRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);
        UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
        if (World != NULL)
            // Spawn the projectile into the world at the muzzle's location.
            World->SpawnActor<AGDCProjectile>(ProjectileClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);
            // Log this event with the Visual Logger.
            UE_VLOG(this, LogFPChar, Verbose, TEXT("Fired projectile (%s) from location (%s) with rotation (%s)"), 
    // ...


Visual Logger showing debug text from our AGDCCharacter .

If you want to send a duplicate message to the standard log, you can use the UE_VLOG_UELOG macro instead of calling UE_VLOG followed by UE_LOG with the same data.

Drawing Debug Shapes

The ability to log shape information in the game world is a powerful feature because it helps you visualize what is going on. The following image shows some of the different types of shapes that the Visual Logger supports.


Path information, cylinder, cone, capsule, and box shapes.

The following macros provide support for logging shapes. Each macro requires an Actor that owns the shape, a log category and verbosity level, several additional, shape-defining parameters (depending on the shape), and the text that will accompany the shape. The following table provides information about the available shapes and the additional parameters each shape requires.



Additional Parameters


A one-pixel-thick line segment.

FVector Start Point

FVector End Point

FColor Color


A line segment with variable thickness.

FVector Start Point

FVector End Point

FColor Color

float Thickness


A sphere.

FVector Location

float Radius

FColor Color


An axis-aligned box.

FVector Center Location

FColor Color


A rotated box.

FVector Center Location

FMatrix Box Rotation

FColor Color


A cone.

FVector Origin Point

FVector Cone Direction

float Cone Length

float Cone Angle In Degrees

FColor Color


A cylinder.

FVector Start Point

FVector End Point

float Cylinder Radius

FColor Color


A capsule.

FVector Center Point

float Half-Height

float Radius

FMatrix Capsule Rotation

FColor Color


A 3D Mesh.

TArray<FVector> Mesh Vertices

TArray<int32> Triangle Indices (must be in groups of three)

FColor Color


A 2D convex-hull polygon.

TArray<FVector> Hull Points

FColor Color


A line segment with an arrowhead.

FVector Tail Location

FVector Head Location

FColor Color

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