Using Composure with Camera Calibration

How to use the Camera Calibration plugin with Composure.

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  1. Go to Window > Composure Compositing to open the Composure window.

    Open Composure Compositing

  2. Right-click inside the Composure window and select Create New Comp from the menu. Click the Empty Comp Shot button to create a new empty composition.

    Create a new Comp

    Create an Empty Comp Shot

  3. Right-click the composure and select Add Layer Element . Click the Media Plate button. This media plate will use the live video feed from your camera.

    Add Layer Element

    Add a Media Plate

  1. Navigate to VprodProject > MediaIO > and drag MediaBundle-01 into your Level.

    Drag your media bundle to the scene

  2. Select the media plate in the Composure window and go to the Details panel. Scroll down to the Composure section and expand the Input category. Click the Media Source dropdown and select T_MediaBundle-01_BC **from the list. You should now see the live video feed streamed on the media plate.

    Select the media plate

    Set the Media Source

    Video is now streaming on the media plate

  3. Right-click the composure and select Add Layer Element . Click the CG Layer button.

    Add a CG Layer

  4. Go to Window > Layers to open the Layers window.

    Open the Layers window

  5. Select the BP_UE_Tracker3 and the CameraCalibrationCheckerboard Blueprints from the World Outliner . Go to the Layers window then right-click and select Add Selected Actors to New Layer from the menu. Name the layer cglayer .

    Create a new layer

  6. Select the cg element layer in the Composure window and go to the Details panel. Scroll down to the Composure section and click the + button to expand the Capture Actors options. Click the ActorSet dropdown and select cglayer from the list.

    Create a new layer

  7. With the cg element layer selected, scroll down to the LensDistortion section and select the Distortion Source as the LumixLens file.

    Apply distortion to the CG Layer

  8. Right-click in the Content Browser and select Material from the Create Basic Asset section. Name the Material M_SimpleComp .

    Create a new Material

  9. Double-click M_SimpleComp to open it. Select the Material node and go to the Details panel. Set the Shading Model to Unlit .

    Set the Material to Unlit

  10. Right-click in the graph then search for and select TextureSample . Right-click the Texture Sample node and select Convert to Parameter . Name it CGLayer . Go to the Details panel and add a texture to the CG Layer dropdown.

    Add a Texture Sample

    Convert the texture to a parameter

    Add a texture

  11. Repeat the previous step and add another Texture Sample . Name the parameter MediaPlate .

    Add another texture sample

  12. Right-click in the graph then search for and select Over . Connect the RGBA pins of both nodes to the A and B pins of the Over node. Finally, connect the RGBA pin of the Over node to the Emissive Color pin of the Material node.

    Add an Over node

    Add an Over node

  13. Select your composition from the Composure window and go to the Details panel. Scroll down to the Transform / Compositing Passes section and expand Transform Passes . Add the M_SimpleComp Material to the Material slot.

    Add your Material to the Composition

  14. Expand Input Elements and add Media Plate and CG Element layers to their corresponding slots. You should now have the video feed streamed to the Media Plate and your selected Actors displayed in the CG Elements layer.

    Add your Material to the Composition

Section Results

In this guide you learned how to use Composure with the Camera Calibration plugin.

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