
class unreal.AnimBlueprint(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Blueprint

An Anim Blueprint is essentially a specialized Blueprint whose graphs control the animation of a Skeletal Mesh. It can perform blending of animations, directly control the bones of the skeleton, and output a final pose for a Skeletal Mesh each frame.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: AnimBlueprint.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • blueprint_category (str): [Read-Write] Blueprint Category: The category of the Blueprint, used to organize this Blueprint class when displayed in palette windows

  • blueprint_description (str): [Read-Write] Blueprint Description: Shows up in the content browser tooltip when the blueprint is hovered

  • blueprint_display_name (str): [Read-Write] Blueprint Display Name: Overrides the BP’s display name in the editor UI

  • blueprint_namespace (str): [Read-Write] Blueprint Namespace: The namespace of this blueprint (if set, the Blueprint will be treated differently for the context menu)

  • compile_mode (BlueprintCompileMode): [Read-Write] Compile Mode: The mode that will be used when compiling this class.

  • deprecate (bool): [Read-Write] Deprecate: Deprecates the Blueprint, marking the generated class with the CLASS_Deprecated flag

  • generate_abstract_class (bool): [Read-Write] Generate Abstract Class: Whether or not this blueprint’s class is a abstract class or not. Should set CLASS_Abstract in the KismetCompiler.

  • generate_const_class (bool): [Read-Write] Generate Const Class: Whether or not this blueprint’s class is a const class or not. Should set CLASS_Const in the KismetCompiler.

  • hide_categories (Array(str)): [Read-Write] Hide Categories: Additional HideCategories. These are added to HideCategories from parent.

  • run_construction_script_in_sequencer (bool): [Read-Write] Run Construction Script in Sequencer: whether or not you want to continuously rerun the construction script for an actor in sequencer

  • run_construction_script_on_drag (bool): [Read-Write] Run Construction Script on Drag: whether or not you want to continuously rerun the construction script for an actor as you drag it in the editor, or only when the drag operation is complete

  • target_skeleton (Skeleton): [Read-Write] Target Skeleton: This is the target skeleton asset for anim instances created from this blueprint; all animations referenced by the BP should be compatible with this skeleton. For advanced use only, it is easy to cause errors if this is modified without updating or replacing all referenced animations.

  • thumbnail_info (ThumbnailInfo): [Read-Only] Thumbnail Info: Information for thumbnail rendering

  • use_multi_threaded_animation_update (bool): [Read-Write] Use Multi Threaded Animation Update: Allows this anim Blueprint to update its native update, blend tree, montages and asset players on a worker thread. The compiler will attempt to pick up any issues that may occur with threaded update. For updates to run in multiple threads both this flag and the project setting “Allow Multi Threaded Animation Update” should be set.

  • warn_about_blueprint_usage (bool): [Read-Write] Warn About Blueprint Usage: Selecting this option will cause the compiler to emit warnings whenever a call into Blueprint is made from the animation graph. This can help track down optimizations that need to be made.


Returns all Animation Graphs contained by the provided Animation Blueprint


animation_graphs (Array(AnimationGraph)):

Return type


get_nodes_of_class(node_class, include_child_classes=True)

Returns all Animation Graph Nodes of the provided Node Class contained by the Animation Blueprint


graph_nodes (Array(AnimGraphNode_Base)):

Return type
