
class unreal.MaterialProxySettings(texture_sizing_type=TextureSizingType.TEXTURE_SIZING_TYPE_USE_SINGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE, texture_size=[1024, 1024], target_texel_density_per_meter=5.0, mesh_max_screen_size_percent=0.5, mesh_min_draw_distance=10000.0, gutter_space=4.0, metallic_constant=0.0, roughness_constant=0.5, anisotropy_constant=0.0, specular_constant=0.5, opacity_constant=1.0, opacity_mask_constant=1.0, ambient_occlusion_constant=1.0, blend_mode=BlendMode.BLEND_OPAQUE, allow_two_sided_material=True, normal_map=True, tangent_map=False, metallic_map=False, roughness_map=False, anisotropy_map=False, specular_map=False, emissive_map=False, opacity_map=False, opacity_mask_map=False, ambient_occlusion_map=False, diffuse_texture_size=[1024, 1024], normal_texture_size=[1024, 1024], tangent_texture_size=[1024, 1024], metallic_texture_size=[1024, 1024], roughness_texture_size=[1024, 1024], anisotropy_texture_size=[1024, 1024], specular_texture_size=[1024, 1024], emissive_texture_size=[1024, 1024], opacity_texture_size=[1024, 1024], opacity_mask_texture_size=[1024, 1024], ambient_occlusion_texture_size=[1024, 1024])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

Material Proxy Settings

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: MaterialMerging.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_two_sided_material (bool): [Read-Write] Allow Two Sided Material: Whether or not to allow the generated material can be two-sided

  • ambient_occlusion_constant (float): [Read-Write] Ambient Occlusion Constant: Constant value to use for the Ambient Occlusion property

  • ambient_occlusion_map (bool): [Read-Write] Ambient Occlusion Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Ambient Occlusion property

  • ambient_occlusion_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Ambient Occlusion Texture Size: Override Ambient Occlusion texture size

  • anisotropy_constant (float): [Read-Write] Anisotropy Constant: Constant value to use for the Anisotropy property

  • anisotropy_map (bool): [Read-Write] Anisotropy Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Anisotropy property

  • anisotropy_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Anisotropy Texture Size: Override Anisotropy texture size

  • blend_mode (BlendMode): [Read-Write] Blend Mode: Target blend mode for the generated material

  • diffuse_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Diffuse Texture Size: Override Diffuse texture size

  • emissive_map (bool): [Read-Write] Emissive Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Emissive property

  • emissive_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Emissive Texture Size: Override Emissive texture size

  • gutter_space (float): [Read-Write] Gutter Space: Gutter space to take into account

  • mesh_max_screen_size_percent (float): [Read-Write] Mesh Max Screen Size Percent: Expected maximum screen size for the mesh

  • mesh_min_draw_distance (float): [Read-Write] Mesh Min Draw Distance: Expected minimum distance at which the mesh will be rendered

  • metallic_constant (float): [Read-Write] Metallic Constant: Constant value to use for the Metallic property

  • metallic_map (bool): [Read-Write] Metallic Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Metallic property

  • metallic_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Metallic Texture Size: Override Metallic texture size

  • normal_map (bool): [Read-Write] Normal Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Normal property

  • normal_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Normal Texture Size: Override Normal texture size

  • opacity_constant (float): [Read-Write] Opacity Constant: Constant value to use for the Opacity property

  • opacity_map (bool): [Read-Write] Opacity Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Opacity property

  • opacity_mask_constant (float): [Read-Write] Opacity Mask Constant: Constant value to use for the Opacity mask property

  • opacity_mask_map (bool): [Read-Write] Opacity Mask Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Opacity Mask property

  • opacity_mask_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Opacity Mask Texture Size: Override Opacity Mask texture size

  • opacity_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Opacity Texture Size: Override Opacity texture size

  • roughness_constant (float): [Read-Write] Roughness Constant: Constant value to use for the Roughness property

  • roughness_map (bool): [Read-Write] Roughness Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Roughness property

  • roughness_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Roughness Texture Size: Override Roughness texture size

  • specular_constant (float): [Read-Write] Specular Constant: Constant value to use for the Specular property

  • specular_map (bool): [Read-Write] Specular Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Specular property

  • specular_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Specular Texture Size: Override Specular texture size

  • tangent_map (bool): [Read-Write] Tangent Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Tangent property

  • tangent_texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Tangent Texture Size: Override Tangent texture size

  • target_texel_density_per_meter (float): [Read-Write] Target Texel Density Per Meter: Target texel density

  • texture_size (IntPoint): [Read-Write] Texture Size: Size of generated BaseColor map

  • texture_sizing_type (TextureSizingType): [Read-Write] Texture Sizing Type: Method that should be used to generate the sizes of the output textures

property allow_two_sided_material

[Read-Write] Allow Two Sided Material: Whether or not to allow the generated material can be two-sided



property ambient_occlusion_constant

[Read-Write] Ambient Occlusion Constant: Constant value to use for the Ambient Occlusion property



property ambient_occlusion_map

[Read-Write] Ambient Occlusion Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Ambient Occlusion property



property ambient_occlusion_texture_size

[Read-Write] Ambient Occlusion Texture Size: Override Ambient Occlusion texture size



property anisotropy_constant

[Read-Write] Anisotropy Constant: Constant value to use for the Anisotropy property



property anisotropy_map

[Read-Write] Anisotropy Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Anisotropy property



property anisotropy_texture_size

[Read-Write] Anisotropy Texture Size: Override Anisotropy texture size



property blend_mode

[Read-Write] Blend Mode: Target blend mode for the generated material



property diffuse_texture_size

[Read-Write] Diffuse Texture Size: Override Diffuse texture size



property emissive_map

[Read-Write] Emissive Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Emissive property



property emissive_texture_size

[Read-Write] Emissive Texture Size: Override Emissive texture size



property gutter_space

[Read-Write] Gutter Space: Gutter space to take into account



property mesh_max_screen_size_percent

[Read-Write] Mesh Max Screen Size Percent: Expected maximum screen size for the mesh



property mesh_min_draw_distance

[Read-Write] Mesh Min Draw Distance: Expected minimum distance at which the mesh will be rendered



property metallic_constant

[Read-Write] Metallic Constant: Constant value to use for the Metallic property



property metallic_map

[Read-Write] Metallic Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Metallic property



property metallic_texture_size

[Read-Write] Metallic Texture Size: Override Metallic texture size



property normal_map

[Read-Write] Normal Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Normal property



property normal_texture_size

[Read-Write] Normal Texture Size: Override Normal texture size



property opacity_constant

[Read-Write] Opacity Constant: Constant value to use for the Opacity property



property opacity_map

[Read-Write] Opacity Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Opacity property



property opacity_mask_constant

[Read-Write] Opacity Mask Constant: Constant value to use for the Opacity mask property



property opacity_mask_map

[Read-Write] Opacity Mask Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Opacity Mask property



property opacity_mask_texture_size

[Read-Write] Opacity Mask Texture Size: Override Opacity Mask texture size



property opacity_texture_size

[Read-Write] Opacity Texture Size: Override Opacity texture size



property roughness_constant

[Read-Write] Roughness Constant: Constant value to use for the Roughness property



property roughness_map

[Read-Write] Roughness Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Roughness property



property roughness_texture_size

[Read-Write] Roughness Texture Size: Override Roughness texture size



property specular_constant

[Read-Write] Specular Constant: Constant value to use for the Specular property



property specular_map

[Read-Write] Specular Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Specular property



property specular_texture_size

[Read-Write] Specular Texture Size: Override Specular texture size



property tangent_map

[Read-Write] Tangent Map: Whether to generate a texture for the Tangent property



property tangent_texture_size

[Read-Write] Tangent Texture Size: Override Tangent texture size



property target_texel_density_per_meter

[Read-Write] Target Texel Density Per Meter: Target texel density



property texture_size

[Read-Write] Texture Size: Size of generated BaseColor map



property texture_sizing_type

[Read-Write] Texture Sizing Type: Method that should be used to generate the sizes of the output textures

