
class unreal.NiagaraComponent(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.FXSystemComponent

UNiagaraComponent is the primitive component for a Niagara System. see: ANiagaraActor see: UNiagaraSystem

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: Niagara

  • File: NiagaraComponent.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • absolute_location (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Location: If RelativeLocation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Rotation: If RelativeRotation should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • absolute_scale (bool): [Read-Write] Absolute Scale: If RelativeScale3D should be considered relative to the world, rather than the parent

  • affect_distance_field_lighting (bool): [Read-Write] Affect Distance Field Lighting: Controls whether the primitive should affect dynamic distance field lighting methods. This flag is only used if CastShadow is true. *

  • affect_dynamic_indirect_lighting (bool): [Read-Write] Affect Dynamic Indirect Lighting: Controls whether the primitive should inject light into the Light Propagation Volume. This flag is only used if CastShadow is true. *

  • allow_cull_distance_volume (bool): [Read-Write] Allow Cull Distance Volume: Whether to accept cull distance volumes to modify cached cull distance.

  • allow_scalability (bool): [Read-Write] Allow Scalability: Controls whether we allow scalability culling for this component. If enabled, this component’s FX may be culled due to things such as distance, visibility, instance counts and performance.

  • always_create_physics_state (bool): [Read-Write] Always Create Physics State: Indicates if we’d like to create physics state all the time (for collision and simulation). If you set this to false, it still will create physics state if collision or simulation activated. This can help performance if you’d like to avoid overhead of creating physics state when triggers

  • apply_impulse_on_damage (bool): [Read-Write] Apply Impulse on Damage: True for damage to this component to apply physics impulse, false to opt out of these impulses.

  • asset (NiagaraSystem): [Read-Write] Asset

  • asset_user_data (Array(AssetUserData)): [Read-Write] Asset User Data: Array of user data stored with the component

  • auto_activate (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Activate: Whether the component is activated at creation or must be explicitly activated.

  • auto_attach_location_rule (AttachmentRule): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Location Rule: Options for how we handle our location when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule

  • auto_attach_parent (SceneComponent): [Read-Only] Auto Attach Parent: Component we automatically attach to when activated, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. If null during registration, we assign the existing AttachParent and defer attachment until we activate. see: bAutoManageAttachment

  • auto_attach_rotation_rule (AttachmentRule): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Rotation Rule: Options for how we handle our rotation when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule

  • auto_attach_scale_rule (AttachmentRule): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Scale Rule: Options for how we handle our scale when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule

  • auto_attach_socket_name (Name): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Socket Name: Socket we automatically attach to on the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment

  • auto_attach_weld_simulated_bodies (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Attach Weld Simulated Bodies: Option for how we handle bWeldSimulatedBodies when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment

  • auto_manage_attachment (bool): [Read-Write] Auto Manage Attachment: True if we should automatically attach to AutoAttachParent when activated, and detach from our parent when completed. This overrides any current attachment that may be present at the time of activation (deferring initial attachment until activation, if AutoAttachParent is null). When enabled, detachment occurs regardless of whether AutoAttachParent is assigned, and the relative transform from the time of activation is restored. This also disables attachment on dedicated servers, where we don’t actually activate even if bAutoActivate is true. see: AutoAttachParent, AutoAttachSocketName, AutoAttachLocationType

  • body_instance (BodyInstance): [Read-Write] Body Instance: Physics scene information for this component, holds a single rigid body with multiple shapes.

  • bounds_scale (float): [Read-Write] Bounds Scale: Scales the bounds of the object. This is useful when using World Position Offset to animate the vertices of the object outside of its bounds. Warning: Increasing the bounds of an object will reduce performance and shadow quality! Currently only used by StaticMeshComponent and SkeletalMeshComponent.

  • cached_max_draw_distance (float): [Read-Only] Cached Max Draw Distance: The distance to cull this primitive at. A CachedMaxDrawDistance of 0 indicates that the primitive should not be culled by distance.

  • can_character_step_up_on (CanBeCharacterBase): [Read-Write] Can Character Step Up On: Determine whether a Character can step up onto this component. This controls whether they can try to step up on it when they bump in to it, not whether they can walk on it after landing on it. see: FWalkableSlopeOverride

  • can_ever_affect_navigation (bool): [Read-Write] Can Ever Affect Navigation: Whether this component can potentially influence navigation

  • cast_cinematic_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Cinematic Shadow: Whether this component should cast shadows from lights that have bCastShadowsFromCinematicObjectsOnly enabled. This is useful for characters in a cinematic with special cinematic lights, where the cost of shadowmap rendering of the environment is undesired.

  • cast_contact_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Contact Shadow: Whether the object should cast contact shadows. This flag is only used if CastShadow is true.

  • cast_dynamic_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Dynamic Shadow: Controls whether the primitive should cast shadows in the case of non precomputed shadowing. This flag is only used if CastShadow is true. *

  • cast_far_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Far Shadow: When enabled, the component will be rendering into the far shadow cascades (only for directional lights).

  • cast_hidden_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Hidden Shadow: If true, the primitive will cast shadows even if bHidden is true. Controls whether the primitive should cast shadows when hidden. This flag is only used if CastShadow is true.

  • cast_inset_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Inset Shadow: Whether this component should create a per-object shadow that gives higher effective shadow resolution. Useful for cinematic character shadowing. Assumed to be enabled if bSelfShadowOnly is enabled.

  • cast_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Shadow: Controls whether the primitive component should cast a shadow or not.

  • cast_shadow_as_two_sided (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Shadow as Two Sided: Whether this primitive should cast dynamic shadows as if it were a two sided material.

  • cast_static_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Static Shadow: Whether the object should cast a static shadow from shadow casting lights. This flag is only used if CastShadow is true.

  • cast_volumetric_translucent_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Cast Volumetric Translucent Shadow: Whether the object should cast a volumetric translucent shadow. Volumetric translucent shadows are useful for primitives with smoothly changing opacity like particles representing a volume, But have artifacts when used on highly opaque surfaces.

  • component_tags (Array(Name)): [Read-Write] Component Tags: Array of tags that can be used for grouping and categorizing. Can also be accessed from scripting.

  • consider_for_actor_placement_when_hidden (bool): [Read-Write] Consider for Actor Placement when Hidden: If true, this component will be considered for placement when dragging and placing items in the editor even if it is not visible, such as in the case of hidden collision meshes

  • custom_depth_stencil_value (int32): [Read-Write] Custom Depth Stencil Value: Optionally write this 0-255 value to the stencil buffer in CustomDepth pass (Requires project setting or r.CustomDepth == 3)

  • custom_depth_stencil_write_mask (RendererStencilMask): [Read-Write] Custom Depth Stencil Write Mask: Mask used for stencil buffer writes.

  • custom_primitive_data (CustomPrimitiveData): [Read-Write] Custom Primitive Data: Optional user defined default values for the custom primitive data of this primitive

  • detail_mode (DetailMode): [Read-Write] Detail Mode: If detail mode is >= system detail mode, primitive won’t be rendered.

  • editable_when_inherited (bool): [Read-Write] Editable when Inherited: True if this component can be modified when it was inherited from a parent actor class

  • emissive_light_source (bool): [Read-Write] Emissive Light Source: Whether the primitive will be used as an emissive light source.

  • enable_auto_lod_generation (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Auto LODGeneration: Whether to include this component in HLODs or not.

  • enable_gpu_compute_debug (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Gpu Compute Debug: When true the GPU simulation debug display will enabled, allowing information used during simulation to be visualized.

  • exclude_for_specific_hlod_levels (Array(int32)): [Read-Write] Exclude for Specific HLODLevels: Which specific HLOD levels this component should be excluded from

  • exclude_from_light_attachment_group (bool): [Read-Write] Exclude from Light Attachment Group: If set, then it overrides any bLightAttachmentsAsGroup set in a parent.

  • fill_collision_underneath_for_navmesh (bool): [Read-Write] Fill Collision Underneath for Navmesh: If set, navmesh will not be generated under the surface of the geometry

  • force_mip_streaming (bool): [Read-Write] Force Mip Streaming: If true, forces mips for textures used by this component to be resident when this component’s level is loaded.

  • force_solo (bool): [Read-Write] Force Solo: When true, this component’s system will be force to update via a slower “solo” path rather than the more optimal batched path with other instances of the same system.

  • generate_overlap_events (bool): [Read-Write] Generate Overlap Events

  • hidden_in_game (bool): [Read-Write] Hidden in Game: Whether to hide the primitive in game, if the primitive is Visible.

  • hidden_in_scene_capture (bool): [Read-Write] Hidden in Scene Capture: When true, will not be captured by Scene Capture

  • hlod_batching_policy (HLODBatchingPolicy): [Read-Write] HLODBatching Policy: Determines how the geometry of a component will be incorporated in proxy (simplified) HLODs.

  • ignore_radial_force (bool): [Read-Write] Ignore Radial Force: Will ignore radial forces applied to this component.

  • ignore_radial_impulse (bool): [Read-Write] Ignore Radial Impulse: Will ignore radial impulses applied to this component.

  • indirect_lighting_cache_quality (IndirectLightingCacheQuality): [Read-Write] Indirect Lighting Cache Quality: Quality of indirect lighting for Movable primitives. This has a large effect on Indirect Lighting Cache update time.

  • instance_parameter_overrides (Map(NiagaraVariableBase, NiagaraVariant)): [Read-Write] Instance Parameter Overrides

  • is_editor_only (bool): [Read-Write] Is Editor Only: If true, the component will be excluded from non-editor builds

  • ld_max_draw_distance (float): [Read-Write] LDMax Draw Distance: Max draw distance exposed to LDs. The real max draw distance is the min (disregarding 0) of this and volumes affecting this object.

  • light_attachments_as_group (bool): [Read-Write] Light Attachments as Group: Whether to light this component and any attachments as a group. This only has effect on the root component of an attachment tree. When enabled, attached component shadowing settings like bCastInsetShadow, bCastVolumetricTranslucentShadow, etc, will be ignored. This is useful for improving performance when multiple movable components are attached together.

  • lighting_channels (LightingChannels): [Read-Write] Lighting Channels: Channels that this component should be in. Lights with matching channels will affect the component. These channels only apply to opaque materials, direct lighting, and dynamic lighting and shadowing.

  • lightmap_type (LightmapType): [Read-Write] Lightmap Type: Controls the type of lightmap used for this component.

  • min_draw_distance (float): [Read-Write] Min Draw Distance: The minimum distance at which the primitive should be rendered, measured in world space units from the center of the primitive’s bounding sphere to the camera position.

  • mobility (ComponentMobility): [Read-Write] Mobility: How often this component is allowed to move, used to make various optimizations. Only safe to set in constructor.

  • multi_body_overlap (bool): [Read-Write] Multi Body Overlap: If true, this component will generate individual overlaps for each overlapping physics body if it is a multi-body component. When false, this component will generate only one overlap, regardless of how many physics bodies it has and how many of them are overlapping another component/body. This flag has no influence on single body components.

  • never_distance_cull (bool): [Read-Write] Never Distance Cull: When enabled this object will not be culled by distance. This is ignored if a child of a HLOD.

  • on_begin_cursor_over (ComponentBeginCursorOverSignature): [Read-Write] On Begin Cursor Over: Event called when the mouse cursor is moved over this component and mouse over events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_clicked (ComponentOnClickedSignature): [Read-Write] On Clicked: Event called when the left mouse button is clicked while the mouse is over this component and click events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_component_activated (ActorComponentActivatedSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Activated: Called when the component has been activated, with parameter indicating if it was from a reset

  • on_component_begin_overlap (ComponentBeginOverlapSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Begin Overlap: Event called when something starts to overlaps this component, for example a player walking into a trigger. For events when objects have a blocking collision, for example a player hitting a wall, see ‘Hit’ events. note: Both this component and the other one must have GetGenerateOverlapEvents() set to true to generate overlap events. note: When receiving an overlap from another object’s movement, the directions of ‘Hit.Normal’ and ‘Hit.ImpactNormal’ will be adjusted to indicate force from the other object against this object.

  • on_component_deactivated (ActorComponentDeactivateSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Deactivated: Called when the component has been deactivated

  • on_component_end_overlap (ComponentEndOverlapSignature): [Read-Write] On Component End Overlap: Event called when something stops overlapping this component note: Both this component and the other one must have GetGenerateOverlapEvents() set to true to generate overlap events.

  • on_component_hit (ComponentHitSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Hit: Event called when a component hits (or is hit by) something solid. This could happen due to things like Character movement, using Set Location with ‘sweep’ enabled, or physics simulation. For events when objects overlap (e.g. walking into a trigger) see the ‘Overlap’ event. note: For collisions during physics simulation to generate hit events, ‘Simulation Generates Hit Events’ must be enabled for this component. note: When receiving a hit from another object’s movement, the directions of ‘Hit.Normal’ and ‘Hit.ImpactNormal’ will be adjusted to indicate force from the other object against this object. note: NormalImpulse will be filled in for physics-simulating bodies, but will be zero for swept-component blocking collisions.

  • on_component_sleep (ComponentSleepSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Sleep: Event called when the underlying physics objects is put to sleep

  • on_component_wake (ComponentWakeSignature): [Read-Write] On Component Wake: Event called when the underlying physics objects is woken up

  • on_end_cursor_over (ComponentEndCursorOverSignature): [Read-Write] On End Cursor Over: Event called when the mouse cursor is moved off this component and mouse over events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_input_touch_begin (ComponentOnInputTouchBeginSignature): [Read-Write] On Input Touch Begin: Event called when a touch input is received over this component when touch events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_input_touch_end (ComponentOnInputTouchEndSignature): [Read-Write] On Input Touch End: Event called when a touch input is released over this component when touch events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_input_touch_enter (ComponentBeginTouchOverSignature): [Read-Write] On Input Touch Enter: Event called when a finger is moved over this component when touch over events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_input_touch_leave (ComponentEndTouchOverSignature): [Read-Write] On Input Touch Leave: Event called when a finger is moved off this component when touch over events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_released (ComponentOnReleasedSignature): [Read-Write] On Released: Event called when the left mouse button is released while the mouse is over this component click events are enabled in the player controller

  • on_system_finished (OnNiagaraSystemFinished): [Read-Write] On System Finished: Called when the particle system is done

  • only_owner_see (bool): [Read-Write] Only Owner See: If this is True, this component will only be visible when the view actor is the component’s owner, directly or indirectly.

  • owner_no_see (bool): [Read-Write] Owner No See: If this is True, this component won’t be visible when the view actor is the component’s owner, directly or indirectly.

  • physics_volume_changed_delegate (PhysicsVolumeChanged): [Read-Write] Physics Volume Changed Delegate: Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed *

  • primary_component_tick (ActorComponentTickFunction): [Read-Write] Primary Component Tick: Main tick function for the Component

  • random_seed_offset (int32): [Read-Write] Random Seed Offset: Offsets the deterministic random seed of all emitters. Used to achieve variety between components, while still achieving determinism. WARNINGS: - If this value is set in a non-deterministic way, it has the potential to break determinism of the entire system. - This value is applied when emitters are activated/reset, and changing them while the emitter is active has no effect.

  • ray_tracing_group_culling_priority (RayTracingGroupCullingPriority): [Read-Write] Ray Tracing Group Culling Priority: Defines how quickly it should be culled. For example buildings should have a low priority, but small dressing should have a high priority.

  • ray_tracing_group_id (int32): [Read-Write] Ray Tracing Group Id: Defines run-time groups of components. For example allows to assemble multiple parts of a building at runtime. -1 means that component doesn’t belong to any group.

  • receive_mobile_csm_shadows (bool): [Read-Write] Receive Mobile CSMShadows: Mobile only: If disabled this component will not receive CSM shadows. (Components that do not receive CSM may have reduced shading cost)

  • receives_decals (bool): [Read-Write] Receives Decals: Whether the primitive receives decals.

  • relative_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Relative Location: Location of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_rotation (Rotator): [Read-Write] Relative Rotation: Rotation of the component relative to its parent

  • relative_scale3d (Vector): [Read-Write] Relative Scale 3D: Non-uniform scaling of the component relative to its parent. Note that scaling is always applied in local space (no shearing etc)

  • render_custom_depth (bool): [Read-Write] Render Custom Depth: If true, this component will be rendered in the CustomDepth pass (usually used for outlines)

  • render_in_depth_pass (bool): [Read-Write] Render in Depth Pass: If true, this component will be rendered in the depth pass even if it’s not rendered in the main pass

  • render_in_main_pass (bool): [Read-Write] Render in Main Pass: If true, this component will be rendered in the main pass (z prepass, basepass, transparency)

  • replicate_physics_to_autonomous_proxy (bool): [Read-Write] Replicate Physics to Autonomous Proxy: True if physics should be replicated to autonomous proxies. This should be true for

    server-authoritative simulations, and false for client authoritative simulations.

  • replicates (bool): [Read-Write] Replicates: Is this component currently replicating? Should the network code consider it for replication? Owning Actor must be replicating first!

  • return_material_on_move (bool): [Read-Write] Return Material on Move: If true, component sweeps will return the material in their hit result. see: MoveComponent(), FHitResult

  • runtime_virtual_textures (Array(RuntimeVirtualTexture)): [Read-Write] Runtime Virtual Textures: Array of runtime virtual textures into which we draw the mesh for this actor. The material also needs to be set up to output to a virtual texture.

  • self_shadow_only (bool): [Read-Write] Self Shadow Only: When enabled, the component will only cast a shadow on itself and not other components in the world. This is especially useful for first person weapons, and forces bCastInsetShadow to be enabled.

  • should_update_physics_volume (bool): [Read-Write] Should Update Physics Volume: Whether or not the cached PhysicsVolume this component overlaps should be updated when the component is moved. see: GetPhysicsVolume()

  • single_sample_shadow_from_stationary_lights (bool): [Read-Write] Single Sample Shadow from Stationary Lights: Whether the whole component should be shadowed as one from stationary lights, which makes shadow receiving much cheaper. When enabled shadowing data comes from the volume lighting samples precomputed by Lightmass, which are very sparse. This is currently only used on stationary directional lights.

  • template_parameter_overrides (Map(NiagaraVariableBase, NiagaraVariant)): [Read-Write] Template Parameter Overrides

  • tick_behavior (NiagaraTickBehavior): [Read-Write] Tick Behavior: Allows you to control how Niagara selects the tick group, changing this while an instance is active will result in not change as it is cached.

  • trace_complex_on_move (bool): [Read-Write] Trace Complex on Move: If true, component sweeps with this component should trace against complex collision during movement (for example, each triangle of a mesh). If false, collision will be resolved against simple collision bounds instead. see: MoveComponent()

  • translucency_sort_distance_offset (float): [Read-Write] Translucency Sort Distance Offset: Modified sort distance offset for translucent objects in world units. A positive number will move the sort distance further and a negative number will move the distance closer.

    Ignored if the object is not translucent. Warning: Adjusting this value will prevent the renderer from correctly sorting based on distance. Only modify this value if you are certain it will not cause visual artifacts.

  • translucency_sort_priority (int32): [Read-Write] Translucency Sort Priority: Translucent objects with a lower sort priority draw behind objects with a higher priority. Translucent objects with the same priority are rendered from back-to-front based on their bounds origin. This setting is also used to sort objects being drawn into a runtime virtual texture.

    Ignored if the object is not translucent. The default priority is zero. Warning: This should never be set to a non-default value unless you know what you are doing, as it will prevent the renderer from sorting correctly. It is especially problematic on dynamic gameplay effects.

  • treat_as_background_for_occlusion (bool): [Read-Write] Treat as Background for Occlusion: Treat this primitive as part of the background for occlusion purposes. This can be used as an optimization to reduce the cost of rendering skyboxes, large ground planes that are part of the vista, etc.

  • use_as_occluder (bool): [Read-Write] Use as Occluder: Whether to render the primitive in the depth only pass. This should generally be true for all objects, and let the renderer make decisions about whether to render objects in the depth only pass. todo: if any rendering features rely on a complete depth only pass, this variable needs to go away.

  • use_attach_parent_bound (bool): [Read-Write] Use Attach Parent Bound: If true, this component uses its parents bounds when attached. This can be a significant optimization with many components attached together.

  • virtual_texture_cull_mips (int8): [Read-Write] Virtual Texture Cull Mips: Number of lower mips in the runtime virtual texture to skip for rendering this primitive. Larger values reduce the effective draw distance in the runtime virtual texture. This culling method doesn’t take into account primitive size or virtual texture size.

  • virtual_texture_lod_bias (int8): [Read-Write] Virtual Texture Lod Bias: Bias to the LOD selected for rendering to runtime virtual textures.

  • virtual_texture_min_coverage (int8): [Read-Write] Virtual Texture Min Coverage: Set the minimum pixel coverage before culling from the runtime virtual texture. Larger values reduce the effective draw distance in the runtime virtual texture.

  • virtual_texture_render_pass_type (RuntimeVirtualTextureMainPassType): [Read-Write] Virtual Texture Render Pass Type: Controls if this component draws in the main pass as well as in the virtual texture.

  • visible (bool): [Read-Write] Visible: Whether to completely draw the primitive; if false, the primitive is not drawn, does not cast a shadow.

  • visible_in_ray_tracing (bool): [Read-Write] Visible in Ray Tracing: If true, this component will be visible in ray tracing effects. Turning this off will remove it from ray traced reflections, shadows, etc.

  • visible_in_real_time_sky_captures (bool): [Read-Write] Visible in Real Time Sky Captures: If true, this component will be visible in real-time sky light reflection captures.

  • visible_in_reflection_captures (bool): [Read-Write] Visible in Reflection Captures: If true, this component will be visible in reflection captures.

  • visible_in_scene_capture_only (bool): [Read-Write] Visible in Scene Capture Only: When true, will only be visible in Scene Capture

  • wait_for_compilation_on_activate (bool): [Read-Write] Wait for Compilation on Activate

advance_simulation(tick_count, tick_delta_seconds) None

Advances this system’s simulation by the specified number of ticks and delta time.

  • tick_count (int32) –

  • tick_delta_seconds (float) –

advance_simulation_by_time(simulate_time, tick_delta_seconds) None

Advances this system’s simulation by the specified time in seconds and delta time. Advancement is done in whole ticks of TickDeltaSeconds so actual simulated time will be the nearest lower multiple of TickDeltaSeconds.

  • simulate_time (float) –

  • tick_delta_seconds (float) –

property allow_scalability

[Read-Write] Allow Scalability: Controls whether we allow scalability culling for this component. If enabled, this component’s FX may be culled due to things such as distance, visibility, instance counts and performance.



property auto_attach_location_rule

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Location Rule: Options for how we handle our location when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule



property auto_attach_parent

[Read-Only] Auto Attach Parent: Component we automatically attach to when activated, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. If null during registration, we assign the existing AttachParent and defer attachment until we activate. see: bAutoManageAttachment



property auto_attach_rotation_rule

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Rotation Rule: Options for how we handle our rotation when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule



property auto_attach_scale_rule

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Scale Rule: Options for how we handle our scale when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment, EAttachmentRule



property auto_attach_socket_name

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Socket Name: Socket we automatically attach to on the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment



property auto_attach_weld_simulated_bodies

[Read-Write] Auto Attach Weld Simulated Bodies: Option for how we handle bWeldSimulatedBodies when we attach to the AutoAttachParent, if bAutoManageAttachment is true. see: bAutoManageAttachment



property auto_manage_attachment

[Read-Only] Auto Manage Attachment: True if we should automatically attach to AutoAttachParent when activated, and detach from our parent when completed. This overrides any current attachment that may be present at the time of activation (deferring initial attachment until activation, if AutoAttachParent is null). When enabled, detachment occurs regardless of whether AutoAttachParent is assigned, and the relative transform from the time of activation is restored. This also disables attachment on dedicated servers, where we don’t actually activate even if bAutoActivate is true. see: AutoAttachParent, AutoAttachSocketName, AutoAttachLocationType



clear_emitter_fixed_bounds(emitter_name) None

Clear any previously set fixed bounds for the emitter instance.


emitter_name (Name) –

clear_system_fixed_bounds() None

Clear any previously set fixed bounds for the system instance.

get_age_update_mode() NiagaraAgeUpdateMode

Get Age Update Mode

Return type


get_asset() NiagaraSystem

Get Asset

Return type


get_custom_time_dilation() float

Get Custom Time Dilation

Return type


get_data_interface(name) NiagaraDataInterface

Get Data Interface


name (str) –

Return type


get_desired_age() float

Gets the desired age of the System instance. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Return type


get_emitter_fixed_bounds(emitter_name) Box

Gets the fixed bounds for an emitter instance. This will return the user set fixed bounds if set, or the emitters fixed bounds if set. Note: The returned box may be invalid if no fixed bounds exist


emitter_name (Name) –

Return type


get_force_solo() bool

Get Force Solo

Return type


get_lock_desired_age_delta_time_to_seek_delta() bool
Gets whether or not the delta time used to tick the system instance when using desired age is locked to the seek delta. When true, the system instance

will only be ticked when the desired age has changed by more than the seek delta. When false the system instance will be ticked by the change in desired age when not seeking.

Return type


get_max_sim_time() float

Get the maximum CPU time in seconds we will simulate to the desired age, when we go beyond this limit ticks will be processed in the next frame. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode. Note: The componet will not be visibile if we have ticks to process and SetCanRenderWhileSeeking is set to true

Return type



Debug accessors for getting positions in blueprints. deprecated: Get Niagara Emitter Positions is deprecated, use the particle export DI inside your emitter instead.


emitter_name (str) –

Return type


get_niagara_particle_value_vec3_debug_only(emitter_name, value_name)

Debug accessors for getting a FVector attribute array in blueprints. The attribute name should be without namespaces. For example for “Particles.Position”, send “Position”. deprecated: Get Niagara Emitter Vec3 Attrib is deprecated, use the particle export DI inside your emitter instead.

  • emitter_name (str) –

  • value_name (str) –

Return type


get_niagara_particle_values_debug_only(emitter_name, value_name)

Debug accessors for getting a float attribute array in blueprints. The attribute name should be without namespaces. For example for “Particles.Position”, send “Position”. deprecated: Get Niagara Emitter Float Attrib is deprecated, use the particle export DI inside your emitter instead.

  • emitter_name (str) –

  • value_name (str) –

Return type


get_preview_lod_distance() float

Get Preview LODDistance

Return type


get_preview_lod_distance_enabled() bool

Get Preview LODDistance Enabled

Return type


get_random_seed_offset() int32

Get Random Seed Offset

Return type


get_seek_delta() float
Gets the delta value which is used when seeking from the current age, to the desired age. This is only relevant

when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Return type


get_system_fixed_bounds() Box

Gets the fixed bounds for the system instance. This will return the user set fixed bounds if set, or the systems fixed bounds if set. Note: The returned box may be invalid if no fixed bounds exist

Return type


get_tick_behavior() NiagaraTickBehavior

Get Tick Behavior

Return type


init_for_performance_baseline() None

Initializes this component for capturing a performance baseline. This will do things such as disabling distance culling and setting a LODDistance of 0 to ensure the effect is at it’s maximum cost.

is_paused() bool

Is Paused

Return type


property on_system_finished

[Read-Write] On System Finished: Called when the particle system is done



reinitialize_system() None

Called on when an external object wishes to force this System to reinitialize itself from the System data.

reset_system() None

Resets the System to it’s initial pre-simulated state.

seek_to_desired_age(desired_age) None
Sets the desired age of the System instance and designates that this change is a seek. When seeking to a desired age the

The component can optionally prevent rendering.


desired_age (float) –

set_age_update_mode(age_update_mode) None

Sets the age update mode for the System instance.


age_update_mode (NiagaraAgeUpdateMode) –

set_asset(asset, reset_existing_override_parameters=True) None

Switch which asset the component is using. This requires Niagara to wait for concurrent execution and the override parameter store to be synchronized with the new asset. By default existing parameters are reset when we call SetAsset, modify bResetExistingOverrideParameters to leave existing parameter data as is.

set_auto_destroy(auto_destroy) None

Set Auto Destroy


auto_destroy (bool) –

set_can_render_while_seeking(can_render_while_seeking) None

Sets whether or not the system can render while seeking.


can_render_while_seeking (bool) –

set_custom_time_dilation(dilation=1.000000) None

Sets the custom time dilation value for the component. Note: This is only available on components that are in solo mode currently.


dilation (float) –

set_desired_age(desired_age) None

Sets the desired age of the System instance. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.


desired_age (float) –

set_emitter_fixed_bounds(emitter_name, local_bounds) None

Sets the fixed bounds for an emitter instance, this overrides all other bounds. The box is expected to be in local space not world space. A default uninitialized box will clear the fixed bounds and revert back to emitter fixed / dynamic bounds.

  • emitter_name (Name) –

  • local_bounds (Box) –

set_force_solo(force_solo) None

Set Force Solo


force_solo (bool) –

set_gpu_compute_debug(enable_debug) None

Set Gpu Compute Debug


enable_debug (bool) –

set_lock_desired_age_delta_time_to_seek_delta(lock) None
Sets whether or not the delta time used to tick the system instance when using desired age is locked to the seek delta. When true, the system instance

will only be ticked when the desired age has changed by more than the seek delta. When false the system instance will be ticked by the change in desired age when not seeking.


lock (bool) –

set_max_sim_time(max_time) None

Sets the maximum CPU time in seconds we will simulate to the desired age, when we go beyond this limit ticks will be processed in the next frame. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode. Note: The componet will not be visibile if we have ticks to process and SetCanRenderWhileSeeking is set to true


max_time (float) –

set_niagara_variable_actor(variable_name, actor) None

Set Niagara Variable Actor

  • variable_name (str) –

  • actor (Actor) –

set_niagara_variable_bool(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (str) –

  • value (bool) –

set_niagara_variable_float(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (str) –

  • value (float) –

set_niagara_variable_int(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara int parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (str) –

  • value (int32) –

set_niagara_variable_linear_color(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara FLinearColor parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_niagara_variable_object(variable_name, object) None

Set Niagara Variable Object

  • variable_name (str) –

  • object (Object) –

set_niagara_variable_position(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Position parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_niagara_variable_quat(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (str) –

  • value (Quat) –

set_niagara_variable_vec2(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_niagara_variable_vec3(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_niagara_variable_vec4(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector4 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_paused(paused) None

Set Paused


paused (bool) –

set_preview_lod_distance(enable_preview_lod_distance, preview_lod_distance, preview_max_distance) None

Set Preview LODDistance

  • enable_preview_lod_distance (bool) –

  • preview_lod_distance (float) –

  • preview_max_distance (float) –

set_random_seed_offset(new_random_seed_offset) None

Set Random Seed Offset


new_random_seed_offset (int32) –

set_rendering_enabled(rendering_enabled) None

Sets whether or not rendering is enabled for this component.


rendering_enabled (bool) –

set_seek_delta(seek_delta) None
Sets the delta value which is used when seeking from the current age, to the desired age. This is only relevant

when using the DesiredAge age update mode.


seek_delta (float) –

set_system_fixed_bounds(local_bounds) None

Sets the fixed bounds for the system instance, this overrides all other bounds. The box is expected to be in local space not world space. A default uninitialized box will clear the fixed bounds and revert back to system fixed / dynamic bounds.


local_bounds (Box) –

set_tick_behavior(new_tick_behavior) None

Set Tick Behavior


new_tick_behavior (NiagaraTickBehavior) –

set_variable_actor(variable_name, actor) None

Set Variable Actor

set_variable_bool(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (Name) –

  • value (bool) –

set_variable_float(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_variable_int(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara int parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (Name) –

  • value (int32) –

set_variable_linear_color(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara FLinearColor parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_variable_material(variable_name, object) None

Set Variable Material

set_variable_object(variable_name, object) None

Set Variable Object

set_variable_position(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Position parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_variable_quat(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

  • variable_name (Name) –

  • value (Quat) –

set_variable_static_mesh(variable_name, value) None

Set Variable Static Mesh

set_variable_texture(variable_name, texture) None

Set Variable Texture

set_variable_texture_render_target(variable_name, texture_render_target) None

Set Variable Texture Render Target

set_variable_vec2(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_variable_vec3(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

set_variable_vec4(variable_name, value) None

Sets a Niagara Vector4 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.
