
class unreal.NiagaraMeshRendererProperties(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.NiagaraRendererProperties

Niagara Mesh Renderer Properties

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Niagara

  • Module: Niagara

  • File: NiagaraMeshRendererProperties.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • allow_in_cull_proxies (bool): [Read-Write] Allow in Cull Proxies

  • camera_offset_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Camera Offset Binding: Which attribute should we use for camera offset when rendering meshes?

  • color_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Color Binding: Which attribute should we use for color when generating instanced meshes?

  • custom_sorting_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Custom Sorting Binding: Which attribute should we use custom sorting of particles in this emitter.

  • dynamic_material1_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Dynamic Material 1Binding: Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating instanced meshes?

  • dynamic_material2_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Dynamic Material 2Binding: Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating instanced meshes?

  • dynamic_material3_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Dynamic Material 3Binding: Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating instanced meshes?

  • dynamic_material_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Dynamic Material Binding: Which attribute should we use for dynamic material parameters when generating instanced meshes?

  • enable_camera_distance_culling (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Camera Distance Culling: Enables frustum culling of individual mesh particles

  • enable_frustum_culling (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Frustum Culling: Enables frustum culling of individual mesh particles

  • enable_mesh_flipbook (bool): [Read-Write] Enable Mesh Flipbook: When checked, will treat ‘ParticleMesh’ as the first frame of the flipbook, and will use the other mesh flipbook options to find the other frames

  • facing_mode (NiagaraMeshFacingMode): [Read-Write] Facing Mode: Determines how the mesh orients itself relative to the camera.

  • first_flipbook_frame (StaticMesh): [Read-Write] First Flipbook Frame: The static mesh to use for the first frame of the flipbook. Its name will also be used to find subsequent frames of a similar name. NOTE: The subsequent frames are expected to exist in the same content directory as the first frame of the flipbook, otherwise they will not be found or used.

  • flipbook_suffix_format (str): [Read-Write] Flipbook Suffix Format: Provides the format of the suffix of the names of the static meshes when searching for flipbook frames. “{frame_number}” is used to mark where the frame number should appear in the suffix. If “Particle Mesh” contains this suffix, the number in its name will be treated as the starting frame index. Otherwise, it will assume “Particle Mesh” is frame number 0, and that subsequent frames follow this format, starting with frame number 1.

  • flipbook_suffix_num_digits (uint32): [Read-Write] Flipbook Suffix Num Digits: The number of digits to expect in the frame number of the flipbook page. A value of 1 will expect no leading zeros in the package names, and can also be used for names with frame numbers that extend to 10 and beyond (Example: Frame_1, Frame_2, …, Frame_10, Frame_11, etc.)

  • gpu_low_latency_translucency (bool): [Read-Write] Gpu Low Latency Translucency: If true and a GPU emitter, we will use the current frames data to render with regardless of where the batcher may execute the dispatches. If you have other emitters that are not translucent and using data that forces it to be a frame latent (i.e. view uniform buffer) you may need to disable on renderers with translucent materials if you need the frame they are reading to match exactly.

  • locked_axis (Vector): [Read-Write] Locked Axis: Arbitrary axis by which to lock facing rotations

  • locked_axis_enable (bool): [Read-Write] Locked Axis Enable: If true and in a non-default facing mode, will lock facing direction to an arbitrary plane of rotation

  • locked_axis_space (NiagaraMeshLockedAxisSpace): [Read-Write] Locked Axis Space: Specifies what space the locked axis is in

  • material_parameter_bindings (Array(NiagaraMaterialAttributeBinding)): [Read-Write] Material Parameter Bindings: If this array has entries, we will create a MaterialInstanceDynamic per Emitter instance from Material and set the Material parameters using the Niagara simulation variables listed.

  • material_random_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Material Random Binding: Which attribute should we use for material randoms when generating instanced meshes?

  • max_camera_distance (float): [Read-Write] Max Camera Distance

  • mesh_index_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Mesh Index Binding: Which attribute should we use to pick the element in the mesh array on the mesh renderer?

  • mesh_orientation_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Mesh Orientation Binding: Which attribute should we use for orienting meshes when generating instanced meshes?

  • meshes (Array(NiagaraMeshRendererMeshProperties)): [Read-Write] Meshes: The static mesh(es) to be instanced when rendering mesh particles.

    NOTES: - If “Override Material” is not specified, the mesh’s material is used. Override materials must have the Niagara Mesh Particles flag checked. - If “Enable Mesh Flipbook” is specified, this mesh is assumed to be the first frame of the flipbook.

  • min_camera_distance (float): [Read-Write] Min Camera Distance

  • motion_vector_setting (NiagaraRendererMotionVectorSetting): [Read-Write] Motion Vector Setting: Hint about how to generate motion (velocity) vectors for this renderer.

  • normalized_age_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Normalized Age Binding: Which attribute should we use for Normalized Age?

  • num_flipbook_frames (uint32): [Read-Write] Num Flipbook Frames: The number of frames (static meshes) to be included in the flipbook.

  • override_materials (Array(NiagaraMeshMaterialOverride)): [Read-Write] Override Materials: The materials to be used instead of the StaticMesh’s materials. Note that each material must have the Niagara Mesh Particles flag checked. If the ParticleMesh

    requires more materials than exist in this array or any entry in this array is set to None, we will use the ParticleMesh’s existing Material instead.

  • override_materials (bool): [Read-Write] Override Materials: Whether or not to use the OverrideMaterials array instead of the mesh’s existing materials.

  • platforms (NiagaraPlatformSet): [Read-Write] Platforms: Platforms on which this renderer is enabled.

  • position_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Position Binding: Which attribute should we use for position when generating instanced meshes?

  • renderer_enabled_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Renderer Enabled Binding: Optional bool binding to dynamically enable / disable the renderer.

  • renderer_visibility (uint32): [Read-Write] Renderer Visibility: If a render visibility tag is present, particles whose tag matches this value will be visible in this renderer.

  • renderer_visibility_tag_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Renderer Visibility Tag Binding: Which attribute should we use for the renderer visibility tag?

  • scale_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Scale Binding: Which attribute should we use for scale when generating instanced meshes?

  • sort_mode (NiagaraSortMode): [Read-Write] Sort Mode: Determines how we sort the particles prior to rendering.

  • sort_only_when_translucent (bool): [Read-Write] Sort Only when Translucent: If true, the particles are only sorted when using a translucent material.

  • sort_order_hint (int32): [Read-Write] Sort Order Hint: By default, emitters are drawn in the order that they are added to the system. This value will allow you to control the order in a more fine-grained manner.

    Materials of the same type (i.e. Transparent) will draw in order from lowest to highest within the system. The default value is 0.

  • source_mode (NiagaraRendererSourceDataMode): [Read-Write] Source Mode: Whether or not to draw a single element for the Emitter or to draw the particles.

  • sub_image_blend (bool): [Read-Write] Sub Image Blend: If true, blends the sub-image UV lookup with its next adjacent member using the fractional part of the SubImageIndex float value as the linear interpolation factor.

  • sub_image_index_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Sub Image Index Binding: Which attribute should we use for sprite sub-image indexing when generating sprites?

  • sub_image_size (Vector2D): [Read-Write] Sub Image Size: When using SubImage lookups for particles, this variable contains the number of columns in X and the number of rows in Y.

  • velocity_binding (NiagaraVariableAttributeBinding): [Read-Write] Velocity Binding: Which attribute should we use for velocity when generating instanced meshes?