
class unreal.CompositingMaterial(material: MaterialInterface = Ellipsis, param_pass_mappings: Map[Name, Name] = {})

Bases: CompositingParamPayload

Compositing Material

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Composure

  • Module: Composure

  • File: CompositingMaterialPass.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • editor_hidden_params (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] Editor Hidden Params

  • material (MaterialInterface): [Read-Write] Material

  • param_pass_mappings (Map[Name, Name]): [Read-Write] Param Pass Mappings: Maps material texture param names to prior passes/elements. Overrides the element’s param mapping list above.

  • required_material_params (Map[Name, NamedCompMaterialParam]): [Read-Write] Required Material Params

  • vector_override_proxies (Map[Name, LinearColor]): [Read-Write] Vector Override Proxies: Required for customizing the color picker widget - need a property to wrap (one for each material param).

property material: MaterialInterface

[Read-Write] Material



property param_pass_mappings: Map[Name, Name]

[Read-Write] Param Pass Mappings: Maps material texture param names to prior passes/elements. Overrides the element’s param mapping list above.


(Map[Name, Name])