
class unreal.EXRFileCompositingOutput(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')

Bases: CompositingElementOutput

EXRFile Compositing Output

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Composure

  • Module: Composure

  • File: CompositingElementOutputs.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • compression (ExrCompressionOptions): [Read-Write] Compression

  • enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Enabled

  • filename_format (str): [Read-Write] Filename Format: The format to use for the resulting filename. Extension will be added automatically. Any tokens of the form {token} will be replaced with the corresponding value: {frame} - The current frame number

  • output_directiory (DirectoryPath): [Read-Write] Output Directiory

  • output_frame_rate (FrameRate): [Read-Write] Output Frame Rate

  • pass_name (Name): [Read-Write] Pass Name

property compression: ExrCompressionOptions

[Read-Write] Compression



property filename_format: str

[Read-Write] Filename Format: The format to use for the resulting filename. Extension will be added automatically. Any tokens of the form {token} will be replaced with the corresponding value: {frame} - The current frame number



property output_directiory: DirectoryPath

[Read-Write] Output Directiory



property output_frame_rate: FrameRate

[Read-Write] Output Frame Rate

