
class unreal.InterpCurveLinearColor(points: Array[InterpCurvePointLinearColor] = [], is_looped: bool = False, loop_key_offset: float = 0.0)

Bases: StructBase

Describes an entire curve that is used to compute a color output value from a float input. note: This is a mirror of TInterpCurve<FLinearColor>, defined in InterpCurve.h

C++ Source:

  • Module: CoreUObject

  • File: NoExportTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • is_looped (bool): [Read-Write] Is Looped: Specify whether the curve is looped or not

  • loop_key_offset (float): [Read-Write] Loop Key Offset: Specify the offset from the last point’s input key corresponding to the loop point

  • points (Array[InterpCurvePointLinearColor]): [Read-Write] Points: Holds the collection of interpolation points.

property is_looped: bool

[Read-Write] Is Looped: Specify whether the curve is looped or not



property loop_key_offset: float

[Read-Write] Loop Key Offset: Specify the offset from the last point’s input key corresponding to the loop point



property points: Array[InterpCurvePointLinearColor]

[Read-Write] Points: Holds the collection of interpolation points.

