
class unreal.RigUnit_MultiFABRIK_EndEffector(bone: Name = 'None', location: Vector = Ellipsis)

Bases: StructBase

Rig Unit Multi FABRIK End Effector

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: RigUnit_MultiFABRIK.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • bone (Name): [Read-Write] Bone: The last bone in the chain to solve - the effector

  • location (Vector): [Read-Write] Location: The transform of the effector in global space

property bone: Name

[Read-Write] Bone: The last bone in the chain to solve - the effector



property location: Vector

[Read-Write] Location: The transform of the effector in global space

