
class unreal.RigUnit_SetRelativeTransformForItem(execute_context: ControlRigExecuteContext = [], child: RigElementKey = Ellipsis, parent: RigElementKey = Ellipsis, parent_initial: bool = False, value: Transform = Ellipsis, weight: float = 0.0, propagate_to_children: bool = False)

Bases: RigUnitMutable

SetRelativeTransform is used to set a single transform from a hierarchy in the space of another item

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: RigUnit_SetRelativeTransform.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • child (RigElementKey): [Read-Write] Child: The child item to set the transform for

  • execute_context (ControlRigExecuteContext): [Read-Write] Execute Context: * This property is used to chain multiple mutable units together

  • parent (RigElementKey): [Read-Write] Parent: The parent item to use. The child transform will be set in the space of the parent.

  • parent_initial (bool): [Read-Write] Parent Initial: Defines if the parent’s transform should be determined as current (false) or initial (true). Initial transforms for bones and other elements in the hierarchy represent the reference pose’s value.

  • propagate_to_children (bool): [Read-Write] Propagate to Children: If set to true children of affected items in the hierarchy will follow the transform change - otherwise only the parent will move.

  • value (Transform): [Read-Write] Value: The transform of the child item relative to the provided parent

  • weight (float): [Read-Write] Weight: Defines how much the change will be applied

property child: RigElementKey

[Read-Write] Child: The child item to set the transform for



property parent: RigElementKey

[Read-Write] Parent: The parent item to use. The child transform will be set in the space of the parent.



property parent_initial: bool

[Read-Write] Parent Initial: Defines if the parent’s transform should be determined as current (false) or initial (true). Initial transforms for bones and other elements in the hierarchy represent the reference pose’s value.



property propagate_to_children: bool

[Read-Write] Propagate to Children: If set to true children of affected items in the hierarchy will follow the transform change - otherwise only the parent will move.



property relative_transform: Transform

‘relative_transform’ was renamed to ‘value’.



property value: Transform

[Read-Write] Value: The transform of the child item relative to the provided parent



property weight: float

[Read-Write] Weight: Defines how much the change will be applied

