
class unreal.SkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings

Bases: StructBase

FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings - The settings used to optimize a skeletal mesh LOD.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: SkeletalMeshReductionSettings.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • base_lod (int32): [Read-Write] Base LOD: Base LOD index to generate this LOD. By default, we generate from LOD 0

  • enforce_bone_boundaries (bool): [Read-Write] Enforce Bone Boundaries: Penalize edge collapse between vertices that have different major bones. This will help articulated segments like tongues but can lead to undesirable results under extreme simplification

  • lock_color_bounaries (bool): [Read-Write] Lock Color Bounaries: Disallow edge collapse when the vertices do not have a common color

  • lock_edges (bool): [Read-Write] Lock Edges: Preserve cuts in the mesh surface by locking vertices in place. Increases the quality of the simplified mesh at edges at the cost of more triangles

  • max_bones_per_vertex (int32): [Read-Write] Max Bones Per Vertex: Maximum number of bones that can be assigned to each vertex.

  • max_deviation_percentage (float): [Read-Write] Max Deviation Percentage: If ReductionMethod equals MaxDeviation this value is the maximum deviation from the base mesh as a percentage of the bounding sphere. In code, it ranges from [0, 1]. In the editor UI, it ranges from [0, 100]

  • max_num_of_triangles (uint32): [Read-Write] Max Num Of Triangles: The maximum number of triangles to retain

  • max_num_of_triangles_percentage (uint32): [Read-Write] Max Num Of Triangles Percentage: The maximum number of triangles to retain when using percentage termination criterion.

  • max_num_of_verts (uint32): [Read-Write] Max Num Of Verts: The maximum number of vertices to retain

  • max_num_of_verts_percentage (uint32): [Read-Write] Max Num Of Verts Percentage: The maximum number of vertices to retain when using percentage termination criterion.

  • merge_coincident_vert_bones (bool): [Read-Write] Merge Coincident Vert Bones: If enabled this option make sure vertices that share the same location (e.g. UV boundaries) have the same bone weights. This can fix cracks when the characters animate.

  • normals_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Normals Threshold: If the angle between two triangles are above this value, the normals will not be

    smooth over the edge between those two triangles. Set in degrees. This is only used when bRecalcNormals is set to true

  • num_of_triangles_percentage (float): [Read-Write] Num Of Triangles Percentage: The percentage of triangles to retain as a ratio, e.g. 0.1 indicates 10 percent

  • num_of_vert_percentage (float): [Read-Write] Num Of Vert Percentage: The percentage of vertices to retain as a ratio, e.g. 0.1 indicates 10 percent

  • recalc_normals (bool): [Read-Write] Recalc Normals: Whether Normal smoothing groups should be preserved. If true then Hard Edge Angle (NormalsThreshold) is used *

  • reduction_method (SkeletalMeshOptimizationType): [Read-Write] Reduction Method: The method to use when optimizing the skeletal mesh LOD

  • remap_morph_targets (bool): [Read-Write] Remap Morph Targets: Remap the morph targets from the base LOD onto the reduce LOD.

  • shading_importance (SkeletalMeshOptimizationImportance): [Read-Write] Shading Importance: How important shading quality is.

  • silhouette_importance (SkeletalMeshOptimizationImportance): [Read-Write] Silhouette Importance: How important the shape of the geometry is.

  • skinning_importance (SkeletalMeshOptimizationImportance): [Read-Write] Skinning Importance: How important skinning quality is.

  • termination_criterion (SkeletalMeshTerminationCriterion): [Read-Write] Termination Criterion: The method to use when optimizing the skeletal mesh LOD

  • texture_importance (SkeletalMeshOptimizationImportance): [Read-Write] Texture Importance: How important texture density is.

  • volume_importance (float): [Read-Write] Volume Importance: Default value of 1 attempts to preserve volume. Smaller values will loose volume by flattening curved surfaces, and larger values will accentuate curved surfaces.

  • welding_threshold (float): [Read-Write] Welding Threshold: The welding threshold distance. Vertices under this distance will be welded.