
class unreal.UsdUnrealAssetInfo(name: str = '', identifier: str = '', version: str = '', unreal_content_path: str = '', unreal_asset_type: str = '', unreal_export_time: str = '', unreal_engine_version: str = '')

Bases: StructBase

Metadata added to a prim to indicate it was exported from a particular Unreal asset

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: USDImporter

  • Module: USDClasses

  • File: USDUnrealAssetInfo.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • identifier (str): [Read-Write] Identifier: Filepath to the layer where the asset was exported to

  • name (str): [Read-Write] Name: Name of the Unreal asset

  • unreal_asset_type (str): [Read-Write] Unreal Asset Type: Class name of the exported asset (e.g. “StaticMesh”)

  • unreal_content_path (str): [Read-Write] Unreal Content Path: Path to the exported asset (e.g. “/Game/MyMaterials/Red.Red”)

  • unreal_engine_version (str): [Read-Write] Unreal Engine Version: Engine version string describing the engine that exported this asset (e.g. “5.1.0-21000000+UE5”)

  • unreal_export_time (str): [Read-Write] Unreal Export Time: DateTime string of the moment of export (e.g. “2022.06.17-14.19.54”)

  • version (str): [Read-Write] Version: Identifier string for the current asset version. Whenever the asset is updated inside Unreal, this will change

property identifier: str

[Read-Write] Identifier: Filepath to the layer where the asset was exported to



property name: str

[Read-Write] Name: Name of the Unreal asset



property unreal_asset_type: str

[Read-Write] Unreal Asset Type: Class name of the exported asset (e.g. “StaticMesh”)



property unreal_content_path: str

[Read-Write] Unreal Content Path: Path to the exported asset (e.g. “/Game/MyMaterials/Red.Red”)



property unreal_engine_version: str

[Read-Write] Unreal Engine Version: Engine version string describing the engine that exported this asset (e.g. “5.1.0-21000000+UE5”)



property unreal_export_time: str

[Read-Write] Unreal Export Time: DateTime string of the moment of export (e.g. “2022.06.17-14.19.54”)



property version: str

[Read-Write] Version: Identifier string for the current asset version. Whenever the asset is updated inside Unreal, this will change

