
class unreal.AnimNode_MotionMatching(blend_weight: float = 0.0, internal_time_accumulator: float = 0.0, searchable: PoseSearchSearchableAsset = Ellipsis, active_tags_container: GameplayTagContainer = Ellipsis, trajectory: TrajectorySampleRange = Ellipsis, settings: MotionMatchingSettings = Ellipsis, reset_on_becoming_relevant: bool = False, force_interrupt: bool = False)

Bases: AnimNode_AssetPlayerBase

Anim Node Motion Matching

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PoseSearch

  • Module: PoseSearch

  • File: AnimNode_MotionMatching.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • active_tags_container (GameplayTagContainer): [Read-Write]

  • blend_weight (float): [Read-Write] Last encountered blendweight for this node

  • debug_draw (bool): [Read-Write]

  • debug_draw_match (bool): [Read-Write]

  • debug_draw_query (bool): [Read-Write]

  • force_interrupt (bool): [Read-Write] if true the continuing pose will be invalidated

  • ignore_for_relevancy_test (bool): [Read-Write] If true, “Relevant anim” nodes that look for the highest weighted animation in a state will ignore this node

  • internal_time_accumulator (float): [Read-Write] Accumulated time used to reference the asset in this node

  • reset_on_becoming_relevant (bool): [Read-Write] Reset the motion matching state if we have become relevant to the graph after not being ticked on the previous frame(s)

  • searchable (PoseSearchSearchableAsset): [Read-Write] Collection of animations for motion matching

  • settings (MotionMatchingSettings): [Read-Write] Settings for the core motion matching algorithm evaluation

  • trajectory (TrajectorySampleRange): [Read-Write] Motion trajectory samples for pose search queries

property active_tags_container: GameplayTagContainer




property force_interrupt: bool

[Read-Write] if true the continuing pose will be invalidated



property reset_on_becoming_relevant: bool

[Read-Write] Reset the motion matching state if we have become relevant to the graph after not being ticked on the previous frame(s)



property searchable: PoseSearchSearchableAsset

[Read-Write] Collection of animations for motion matching



property settings: MotionMatchingSettings

[Read-Write] Settings for the core motion matching algorithm evaluation



property trajectory: TrajectorySampleRange

[Read-Write] Motion trajectory samples for pose search queries

