
class unreal.ConstraintsManager(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

UConstraintsManager This object gathers the different constraints of the level and is held by the ConstraintsActor (unique in the level)

C++ Source:

  • Module: Constraints

  • File: ConstraintsManager.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • on_constraint_added_bp (OnConstraintAdded): [Read-Write] BP Delegate fired when constraints are added

  • on_constraint_removed_bp (OnConstraintRemoved): [Read-Write] BP Delegate fired when constraints are removed

property on_constraint_added_bp: OnConstraintAdded

[Read-Write] BP Delegate fired when constraints are added



property on_constraint_removed_bp: OnConstraintRemoved

[Read-Write] BP Delegate fired when constraints are removed

