
class unreal.DatasmithGLTFImportOptions(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: DatasmithOptionsBase

Datasmith GLTFImport Options

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DatasmithGLTFImporter

  • Module: DatasmithGLTFTranslator

  • File: DatasmithGLTFImportOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • animation_frame_rate_from_file (bool): [Read-Write] Use animation frame rate from source (as it was exported). If unchecked, animations are resampled with 30 FPS.

  • generate_lightmap_u_vs (bool): [Read-Write] Generate new UV coordinates for lightmapping instead of using the highest index UV set. Turn this on to have Unreal Studio generate lightmap UV sets automatically. Turn this off to try using the highest index existing UV set (if available) as the lightmap UV set. For both cases, geometry without existing UV sets will receive an empty UV set, which will by itself not be valid for use with Lightmass.

  • import_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale factor used for importing assets, by default: 100, for conversion from meters(glTF) to centimeters(Unreal default).

property animation_frame_rate_from_file: bool

[Read-Write] Use animation frame rate from source (as it was exported). If unchecked, animations are resampled with 30 FPS.



property generate_lightmap_u_vs: bool

[Read-Write] Generate new UV coordinates for lightmapping instead of using the highest index UV set. Turn this on to have Unreal Studio generate lightmap UV sets automatically. Turn this off to try using the highest index existing UV set (if available) as the lightmap UV set. For both cases, geometry without existing UV sets will receive an empty UV set, which will by itself not be valid for use with Lightmass.



property import_scale: float

100, for conversion from meters(glTF) to centimeters(Unreal default).




[Read-Write] Scale factor used for importing assets, by default