
class unreal.MovieSceneAnimationTrackRecorderEditorSettings(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: MovieSceneTrackRecorderSettings

Movie Scene Animation Track Recorder Editor Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Takes

  • Module: TakeTrackRecorders

  • File: MovieSceneAnimationTrackRecorderSettings.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • animation_asset_name (str): [Read-Write] The name of the animation asset.

  • animation_sub_directory (str): [Read-Write] The name of the subdirectory animations will be placed in. Leave this empty to place into the same directory as the sequence base path.

  • animation_track_name (Text): [Read-Write] Name of the recorded animation track.

  • interp_mode (RichCurveInterpMode): [Read-Write] Interpolation mode for the recorded keys.

  • remove_root_animation (bool): [Read-Write] If true we remove the root animation and move it to a transform track, if false we leave it on the root bone in the anim sequence

  • tangent_mode (RichCurveTangentMode): [Read-Write] Tangent mode for the recorded keys.

  • timecode_bone_method (TimecodeBoneMethod): [Read-Write] The method to record timecode values onto bones

property animation_asset_name: str

[Read-Write] The name of the animation asset.



property animation_sub_directory: str

[Read-Write] The name of the subdirectory animations will be placed in. Leave this empty to place into the same directory as the sequence base path.



property animation_track_name: Text

[Read-Write] Name of the recorded animation track.



property remove_root_animation: bool

[Read-Write] If true we remove the root animation and move it to a transform track, if false we leave it on the root bone in the anim sequence



property timecode_bone_method: TimecodeBoneMethod

[Read-Write] The method to record timecode values onto bones

