
class unreal.MovieSceneNiagaraCacheParams

Bases: MovieSceneBaseCacheParams

Movie Scene Niagara Cache Params

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: NiagaraSimCaching

  • Module: NiagaraSimCaching

  • File: MovieSceneNiagaraCacheSection.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • cache_parameters (NiagaraSimCacheCreateParameters): [Read-Write]

  • cache_replay_play_mode (NiagaraSimCacheSectionPlayMode): [Read-Write] What should the effect do when the track has no cache data to display

  • end_frame_offset (FrameNumber): [Read-Write] The offset into the end of the animation clip

  • first_loop_start_frame_offset (FrameNumber): [Read-Write] The offset for the first loop of the animation clip

  • play_rate (float): [Read-Write] The playback rate of the animation clip

  • reverse (bool): [Read-Write] Reverse the playback of the animation clip

  • section_stretch_mode (NiagaraSimCacheSectionStretchMode): [Read-Write] What should the effect do when the cache section is stretched?

  • sim_cache (NiagaraSimCache): [Read-Write] The sim cache this section plays and records into

  • start_frame_offset (FrameNumber): [Read-Write] The offset into the beginning of the animation clip