
class unreal.ParameterUIData(name: str = '', param_ui_metadata: MutableParamUIMetadata = Ellipsis, type: MutableParameterType = Ellipsis, array_integer_parameter_option: None = [], integer_parameter_group_type: CustomizableObjectGroupType = Ellipsis, dont_compress_runtime_textures: bool = False, live_update_mode: bool = False, reuse_instance_textures: bool = False, forced_parameter_values: None = {})

Bases: StructBase

Parameter UIData

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Mutable

  • Module: CustomizableObject

  • File: CustomizableObjectUIData.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • array_integer_parameter_option (Array[IntegerParameterUIData]): [Read-Write] In the case of an integer parameter, store here all options

  • dont_compress_runtime_textures (bool): [Read-Write]

  • forced_parameter_values (Map[str, str]): [Read-Write]

  • integer_parameter_group_type (CustomizableObjectGroupType): [Read-Write] In the case of an integer parameter, how are the different options selected (one, one or none, etc…)

  • live_update_mode (bool): [Read-Write] In this mode instances and their temp data will be reused between updates. It will be much faster but spend as much as ten times the memory.

    Useful for customization lockers with few characters that are going to have their parameters changed many times, not for in-game

  • name (str): [Read-Write] Parameter name

  • param_ui_metadata (MutableParamUIMetadata): [Read-Write]

  • reuse_instance_textures (bool): [Read-Write]

  • type (MutableParameterType): [Read-Write] Parameter type, using uint8 since the enum in declared in the class it is used

property array_integer_parameter_option: None

[Read-Write] In the case of an integer parameter, store here all options



property dont_compress_runtime_textures: bool




property forced_parameter_values: None



(Map[str, str])

property integer_parameter_group_type: CustomizableObjectGroupType

[Read-Write] In the case of an integer parameter, how are the different options selected (one, one or none, etc…)



property live_update_mode: bool

[Read-Write] In this mode instances and their temp data will be reused between updates. It will be much faster but spend as much as ten times the memory. Useful for customization lockers with few characters that are going to have their parameters changed many times, not for in-game



property name: str

[Read-Write] Parameter name



property param_ui_metadata: MutableParamUIMetadata




property reuse_instance_textures: bool




property type: MutableParameterType

[Read-Write] Parameter type, using uint8 since the enum in declared in the class it is used

