
class unreal.FbxExportOption(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Fbx Export Option

C++ Source:

  • Module: UnrealEd

  • File: FbxExportOption.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • ascii (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, save as ascii instead of binary

  • collision (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, export collision

  • export_local_time (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, export sequencer animation in its local time, relative to its sequence.

  • export_morph_targets (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, export the morph targets

  • export_preview_mesh (bool): [Read-Write] If enable, the preview mesh link to the exported animations will be also exported.

  • export_source_mesh (bool): [Read-Write] * If enabled, export the highest LOD source data instead of the render data. * Note: * - No LOD will be exported for static meshes. (Level Of Detail option will be ignored) * - No Collision will be exported for static meshes. (Collision option will be ignore)

  • fbx_export_compatibility (FbxExportCompatibility): [Read-Write] This will set the fbx sdk compatibility when exporting to fbx file. The default value is 2013

  • force_front_x_axis (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, export with X axis as the front axis instead of default -Y

  • level_of_detail (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, export the level of detail

  • map_skeletal_motion_to_root (bool): [Read-Write] If enable, Map skeletal actor motion to the root bone of the skeleton.

  • vertex_color (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, export vertex color

property ascii: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, save as ascii instead of binary



property collision: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, export collision



property export_local_time: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, export sequencer animation in its local time, relative to its sequence.



property export_morph_targets: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, export the morph targets



property export_preview_mesh: bool

[Read-Write] If enable, the preview mesh link to the exported animations will be also exported.



property export_source_mesh: bool

[Read-Write] * If enabled, export the highest LOD source data instead of the render data. * Note: * - No LOD will be exported for static meshes. (Level Of Detail option will be ignored) * - No Collision will be exported for static meshes. (Collision option will be ignore)



property fbx_export_compatibility: FbxExportCompatibility

[Read-Write] This will set the fbx sdk compatibility when exporting to fbx file. The default value is 2013



property force_front_x_axis: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, export with X axis as the front axis instead of default -Y



property level_of_detail: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, export the level of detail



property map_skeletal_motion_to_root: bool

[Read-Write] If enable, Map skeletal actor motion to the root bone of the skeleton.



property vertex_color: bool

[Read-Write] If enabled, export vertex color

