
class unreal.InterchangeFactoryBase(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Asset factory implementation:

The first 3 steps use the interchange factory node to import/re-import the UObject

  1. BeginImportAsset_GameThread - Create the asset UObject. You can also import source data (retrieve payloads) and setup properties on the game thread.

  2. ImportAsset_Async - Import source data (retrieve payloads) and setup properties asynchronously on any thread.

  3. EndImportAsset_GameThread - Anything you need to do on the game thread to finalize the import source data and setup properties. (Conflict resolution that need UI)

The last two steps are helpful to change the imported/re-imported UObject before and after the PostEditChange (render data build) is call on the asset.

  1. SetupObject_GameThread - Do any UObject setup required before the build (before PostEditChange), the UObject dependencies should exist and have all the source data and properties imported.

  2. FinalizeObject_GameThread - Do any final UObject setup after the build (after PostEditChange). Note that the build of an asset can be asynchronous and not finish yet.

Scene factory implementation

  1. ImportSceneObject_GameThread - Create an actor in a level.

C++ Source:

  • Module: InterchangeCore

  • File: InterchangeFactoryBase.h


return the UClass this factory can create.

Return type:
