
class unreal.MVVMView(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: UserWidgetExtension

Instance UMVVMClassExtension_View for the UUserWdiget

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ModelViewViewModel

  • Module: ModelViewViewModel

  • File: MVVMView.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • bindings_initialized (bool): [Read-Only] Is the Initialize method called.

  • constructed (bool): [Read-Only] Is the Construct method called.

  • has_every_tick_binding (bool): [Read-Only] The view has at least one binding that need to be ticked every frame.

  • log_binding (bool): [Read-Write] Should log when a binding is executed.

  • sources (Array[MVVMViewSource]): [Read-Only]

  • sources_initialized (bool): [Read-Only] Is the Initialize method called.

are_bindings_initialized() bool

The bindings were initialized, manually or automatically.

Return type:


are_sources_initialized() bool

The sources were initialized, manually or automatically.

Return type:


get_view_model(view_model_name) NotifyFieldValueChanged

Find and return the viewmodel with the specified name.


view_model_name (Name) –

Return type:


initialize_bindings() None

Initialize the bindings if they are not already initialized. Initializing the bindings will execute them.

initialize_sources() None

Initialize the sources if they are not already initialized. Initializing the sources will also initialize the bindings if the option bInitializeBindingsOnConstruct is enabled. note: A sources can be a viewmodel or any other object used by a binding.

set_view_model(view_model_name, view_model) bool

Set the viewmodel of the specified name. The viewmodel needs to be settable and the type should match (child of the defined viewmodel). If the view is initialized, all bindings that uses that viewmodel will be re-executed with the new viewmodel instance.

  • view_model_name (Name) –

  • view_model (NotifyFieldValueChanged) –

Return type:


set_view_model_by_class(new_value) bool

Set the first viewmodel matching the exact specified type. If none is found, set the first viewmodel matching a child of the specified type The viewmodel needs to be settable and it should have a valid name. If the view is initialized, all bindings that uses that viewmodel will be re-executed with the new viewmodel instance.


new_value (NotifyFieldValueChanged) –

Return type:


uninitialize_bindings() None

Uninitialize the bindings if they are already initialized.

uninitialize_sources() None

Uninitialize the sources if they are already initialized. It will uninitialized the bindings.