
class unreal.MovieGraphLibrary(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: BlueprintFunctionLibrary

Movie Graph Blueprint Library

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MovieRenderPipeline

  • Module: MovieRenderPipelineCore

  • File: MovieGraphBlueprintLibrary.h

classmethod get_effective_frame_rate(node, default_rate) FrameRate

If InNode is valid, inspects the provided OutputsettingNode to determine if it wants to override the Frame Rate, and if so, returns the overwritten frame rate. If nullptr, or it does not have the bOverride_bUseCustomFrameRate flag set, then InDefaultrate is returned.

  • node (MovieGraphOutputSettingNode) – Optional, setting to inspect for a custom framerate.

  • default_rate (FrameRate) – The frame rate to use if the node is nullptr or doesn’t want to override the rate.


The effective frame rate (taking into account the node’s desire to override it).

Return type:


classmethod get_effective_output_resolution(evaluated_graph, branch_name) IntPoint

In case of overscan percentage being higher than 0, additional pixels are rendered. This function returns the resolution with overscan taken into account.

  • evaluated_graph (MovieGraphEvaluatedConfig) – The evaluated graph that will provide context for resolving the resolution

  • branch_name (Name) – The graph branch that the output resolution should be resolved on


The output resolution, taking into account overscan

Return type:


classmethod resolve_filename_format_arguments(format_string, params) -> (str, out_merged_format_args=MovieGraphResolveArgs)

Takes a Movie Graph format string (in the form of {token}), a list of parameters (which normally come from the running UMovieGraphPipeline) and resolves them into a string. Unknown tokens are ignored. Which tokens can be resolved depends on the contents of InParams, tokens from settings rely on a evaluated config being provided, etc.

  • format_string (str) – Format string to attempt to resolve.

  • params (MovieGraphFilenameResolveParams) – A list of parameters to use as source data for the resolve step. Normally comes from the UMovieGraphPipeline instance, - but takes (mostly) POD here to allow using this function outside of the render runtime.


The resolved format string.

out_merged_format_args (MovieGraphResolveArgs): The set of KVP for both filename formats and file metadata that is generated as a result of this. Provided in case you - needed to do your own string resolving with the final dataset.

Return type:
