
class unreal.MoviePipelineExecutorJob(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

A particular job within the Queue

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: MovieRenderPipeline

  • Module: MovieRenderPipelineCore

  • File: MoviePipelineQueue.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • author (str): [Read-Write] (Optional) If left blank, will default to system username. Can be shown in burn in as a first point of contact about the content.

  • comment (str): [Read-Write] (Optional) If specified, will be shown in the burn in to allow users to keep track of notes about a render.

  • job_name (str): [Read-Write] (Optional) Name of the job. Shown on the default burn-in.

  • map (SoftObjectPath): [Read-Write] Which map should this job render on

  • sequence (SoftObjectPath): [Read-Write] Which sequence should this job render?

  • shot_info (Array[MoviePipelineExecutorShot]): [Read-Write] (Optional) Shot specific information. If a shot is missing from this list it will assume to be enabled and will be rendered.

  • user_data (str): [Read-Write] Arbitrary data that can be associated with the job. Not used by default implementations, nor read. This can be used to attach third party metadata such as job ids from remote farms. Not shown in the user interface.

  • variable_assignments (MovieJobVariableAssignmentContainer): [Read-Write] Overrides on the variables in graph preset associated with this job.

property author: str

[Read-Write] (Optional) If left blank, will default to system username. Can be shown in burn in as a first point of contact about the content.



property comment: str

[Read-Write] (Optional) If specified, will be shown in the burn in to allow users to keep track of notes about a render.



get_configuration() MoviePipelinePrimaryConfig

Gets the configuration for the job. This configuration is either standalone (not associated with any preset), or contains a copy of the preset origin plus any modifications made on top of it. If the preset that this configuration was originally based on no longer exists, this configuration will still be valid. see: GetPresetOrigin()

Return type:


get_graph_config() MovieGraphConfig

Gets the graph-style config that this job is using. If the job is not using a graph-style config, returns nullptr. see: GetGraphPreset()

Return type:


get_graph_preset() MovieGraphConfig

Gets the graph-style preset that this job is using. If the job is not using a graph-style preset, returns nullptr. see: GetPresetOrigin()

Return type:


get_preset_origin() MoviePipelinePrimaryConfig

Gets the preset for this job, but only if the preset has not been modified. If it has been modified, or the preset no longer exists, returns nullptr. see: GetConfiguration()

Return type:


get_status_message() str

Get the current status message for this job. May be an empty string.

For C++ implementations override virtual FString GetStatusMessage_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def get_status_message(self): return ?

Return type:


get_status_progress() float

Get the current progress as last set by SetStatusProgress. 0 by default.

For C++ implementations override virtual float GetStatusProgress_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def get_status_progress(self): return ?

Return type:


is_consumed() bool

Gets whether or not the job has been marked as being consumed. A consumed job is not editable in the UI and should not be submitted for rendering as it is either already finished or already in progress.

For C++ implementations override virtual bool IsConsumed_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def is_consumed(self): return ?

Return type:


is_enabled() bool

Gets whether or not the job has been marked as being enabled.

For C++ implementations override virtual bool IsEnabled_Implementation() const override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def is_enabled(self): return ?

Return type:


is_using_graph_configuration() bool

Returns true if this job is using graph-style configuration, else false.

Return type:


property job_name: str

[Read-Write] (Optional) Name of the job. Shown on the default burn-in.



property map: SoftObjectPath

[Read-Write] Which map should this job render on



on_duplicated() None

Should be called to clear status and user data after duplication so that jobs stay unique and don’t pick up ids or other unwanted behavior from the pareant job.

For C++ implementations override virtual bool OnDuplicated_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def on_duplicated(self):

property sequence: SoftObjectPath

[Read-Write] Which sequence should this job render?



set_configuration(preset) None

Set Configuration


preset (MoviePipelinePrimaryConfig) –

set_consumed(consumed) None

Set the job to be consumed. A consumed job is disabled in the UI and should not be submitted for rendering again. This allows jobs to be added to a queue, the queue submitted to a remote farm (consume the jobs) and then more jobs to be added and the second submission to the farm won’t re-submit the already in-progress jobs.

Jobs can be unconsumed when the render finishes to re-enable editing.

For C++ implementations override virtual void SetConsumed_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def set_consumed(self, isConsumed):


consumed (bool) – True if the job should be consumed and disabled for editing in the UI.

set_graph_config(graph_config) None

Sets the graph-style config that this job will use. Note that this will cause the graph to switch over to using graph-style configuration if it is not already using it. see: SetGraphPreset()


graph_config (MovieGraphConfig) –

set_graph_preset(graph_preset) None

Sets the graph-style preset that this job will use. Note that this will cause the graph to switch over to using graph-style configuration if it is not already using it. see: SetGraphConfig()


graph_preset (MovieGraphConfig) –

set_is_enabled(enabled) None

Set the job to be enabled/disabled. This is exposed to the user in the Queue UI so they can disable a job after loading a queue to skip trying to run it.

For C++ implementations override virtual void SetIsEnabled_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def set_is_enabled(self, isEnabled):


enabled (bool) – True if the job should be enabled and rendered.

set_preset_origin(preset) None

Set Preset Origin


preset (MoviePipelinePrimaryConfig) –

set_status_message(status) None

Set the status of this job to the given value. This will be shown on the UI if progress is set to a value less than zero. If progress is > 0 then the progress bar will be shown on the UI instead. Progress and Status Message are cosmetic and dependent on the executor to update. Similar to the UMoviePipelineExecutor::SetStatusMessage function, but at a per-job level basis instead.

For C++ implementations override virtual void SetStatusMessage_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def set_status_message(self, inStatus):


status (str) – The status message you wish the executor to have.

set_status_progress(progress) None

Set the progress of this job to the given value. If a positive value is provided the UI will show the progress bar, while a negative value will make the UI show the status message instead. Progress and Status Message are cosmetic and dependent on the executor to update. Similar to the UMoviePipelineExecutor::SetStatusProgress function, but at a per-job level basis instead.

For C++ implementations override virtual void SetStatusProgress_Implementation() override For Python/BP implementations override unreal.ufunction(override=True): def set_status_progress(self, inProgress):


progress (float) – The progress (0-1 range) the executor should have.

property shot_info: None

[Read-Write] (Optional) Shot specific information. If a shot is missing from this list it will assume to be enabled and will be rendered.



property user_data: str

[Read-Write] Arbitrary data that can be associated with the job. Not used by default implementations, nor read. This can be used to attach third party metadata such as job ids from remote farms. Not shown in the user interface.



property variable_assignments: MovieJobVariableAssignmentContainer

[Read-Write] Overrides on the variables in graph preset associated with this job.

