
class unreal.PCGVolumeSamplerSettings(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: PCGSettings

PCGVolume Sampler Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PCG

  • Module: PCG

  • File: PCGVolumeSampler.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • break_debugger (bool): [Read-Write] If a debugger is attached, triggers a breakpoint inside IPCGElement::Execute(). Editor only. Transient.

  • category (Text): [Read-Write]

  • debug (bool): [Read-Write]

  • debug_settings (PCGDebugVisualizationSettings): [Read-Write]

  • description (Text): [Read-Write]

  • determinism_settings (PCGDeterminismSettings): [Read-Write]

  • enabled (bool): [Read-Write]

  • expose_to_library (bool): [Read-Write]

  • filter_on_tags (Set[str]): [Read-Write] Warning - this is deprecated and will be removed soon since we have a Filter By Tag node for this specific purpose

  • pass_through_filtered_out_inputs (bool): [Read-Write] Warning - this is deprecated and will be removed soon since we have a Filter By Tag node for this specific purpose

  • point_steepness (float): [Read-Write] Each PCG point represents a discretized, volumetric region of world space. The points’ Steepness value [0.0 to 1.0] establishes how “hard” or “soft” that volume will be represented. From 0, it will ramp up linearly increasing its influence over the density from the point’s center to up to two times the bounds. At 1, it will represent a binary box function with the size of the point’s bounds.

  • seed (int32): [Read-Write]

  • tags_applied_on_output (Set[str]): [Read-Write] Applies the specified tags on the output data. Note - this might be replaced by a dedicated Tagging node

  • unbounded (bool): [Read-Write] If no Bounding Shape input is provided, the actor bounds are used to limit the sample generation domain. This option allows ignoring the actor bounds and generating over the entire volume. Use with caution as this may generate a lot of points.

  • use_seed (bool): [Read-Only] By default, settings won’t use a seed. Set this bool to true in the child ctor to allow edition and use it.

  • voxel_size (Vector): [Read-Write]

property point_steepness: float

[Read-Write] Each PCG point represents a discretized, volumetric region of world space. The points’ Steepness value [0.0 to 1.0] establishes how “hard” or “soft” that volume will be represented. From 0, it will ramp up linearly increasing its influence over the density from the point’s center to up to two times the bounds. At 1, it will represent a binary box function with the size of the point’s bounds.



property unbounded: bool

[Read-Write] If no Bounding Shape input is provided, the actor bounds are used to limit the sample generation domain. This option allows ignoring the actor bounds and generating over the entire volume. Use with caution as this may generate a lot of points.



property voxel_size: Vector


