
class unreal.ValidateAssetsSettings(skip_excluded_directories: bool = False, show_if_no_failures: bool = False, collect_per_asset_details: bool = False, validation_usecase: DataValidationUsecase = Ellipsis)

Bases: StructBase

Validate Assets Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DataValidation

  • Module: DataValidation

  • File: EditorValidatorSubsystem.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • collect_per_asset_details (bool): [Read-Write] If true, will add an FValidateAssetsDetails for each asset to the results

  • show_if_no_failures (bool): [Read-Write] If true, will add notifications for files with no validation and display even if everything passes

  • skip_excluded_directories (bool): [Read-Write] If true, will not validate files in excluded directories

  • validation_usecase (DataValidationUsecase): [Read-Write] The usecase requiring datavalidation

property collect_per_asset_details: bool

[Read-Write] If true, will add an FValidateAssetsDetails for each asset to the results



property show_if_no_failures: bool

[Read-Write] If true, will add notifications for files with no validation and display even if everything passes



property skip_excluded_directories: bool

[Read-Write] If true, will not validate files in excluded directories



property validation_usecase: DataValidationUsecase

[Read-Write] The usecase requiring datavalidation

