
class unreal.MovieSceneSequencePlayer(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Abstract class that provides consistent player behaviour for various animation players

C++ Source:

  • Module: MovieScene

  • File: MovieSceneSequencePlayer.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • on_finished (OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent): [Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player finishes naturally (without explicitly calling stop)

  • on_pause (OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent): [Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is paused

  • on_play (OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent): [Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is played

  • on_play_reverse (OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent): [Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is played in reverse

  • on_stop (OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent): [Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is stopped

change_playback_direction() None

Changes the direction of playback (go in reverse if it was going forward, or vice versa)

get_bound_objects(object_binding) Array[Object]

Retrieve all objects currently bound to the specified binding identifier


object_binding (MovieSceneObjectBindingID) –

Return type:


get_completion_mode_override() MovieSceneCompletionModeOverride

Get the state of the completion mode override

Return type:


get_current_time() QualifiedTime

Get the current playback position


The current playback position

Return type:


get_disable_camera_cuts() bool

Set whether to disable camera cuts

Return type:


get_duration() QualifiedTime

Get the total duration of the sequence

Return type:


get_end_time() QualifiedTime

Get the offset within the level sequence to finish playing

Return type:


get_frame_duration() int32

Get this sequence’s duration in frames

Return type:


get_frame_rate() FrameRate

Get this sequence’s display rate.

Return type:


get_object_bindings(object) Array[MovieSceneObjectBindingID]

Get the object bindings for the requested object


object (Object) –

Return type:


get_play_rate() float

Get the playback rate of this player.

Return type:


get_sequence() MovieSceneSequence

Access the sequence this player is playing


the sequence currently assigned to this player

Return type:


get_sequence_name(add_client_info=False) str

Get the name of the sequence this player is playing


add_client_info (bool) – If true, add client index if running as a client


the name of the sequence, or None if no sequence is set

Return type:


get_start_time() QualifiedTime

Get the offset within the level sequence to start playing

Return type:


go_to_end_and_stop() None

Go to end of the sequence and stop. Adheres to ‘When Finished’ section rules.

is_paused() bool

Check whether the sequence is paused.

Return type:


is_playing() bool

Check whether the sequence is actively playing.

Return type:


is_reversed() bool

Check whether playback is reversed.

Return type:


property on_finished: OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent

[Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player finishes naturally (without explicitly calling stop)



property on_pause: OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent

[Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is paused



property on_play: OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent

[Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is played



property on_play_reverse: OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent

[Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is played in reverse



property on_stop: OnMovieSceneSequencePlayerEvent

[Read-Write] Event triggered when the level sequence player is stopped



pause() None

Pause playback.

play() None

Start playback forwards from the current time cursor position, using the current play rate.

play_looping(num_loops=-1) None

Start playback from the current time cursor position, looping the specified number of times.


num_loops (int32) – The number of loops to play. -1 indicates infinite looping.

play_reverse() None

Reverse playback.

play_to(playback_params, play_to_params) None

Play from the current position to the requested position and pause. If requested position is before the current position, playback will be reversed. Playback to the requested position will be cancelled if Stop() or Pause() is invoked during this playback.

remove_weight() None

Removes a previously assigned weight

restore_state() None

Restore any changes made by this player to their original state

scrub() None

Scrub playback.

set_completion_mode_override(completion_mode_override) None

Set the state of the completion mode override. Note, setting the state to force restore state will only take effect if the sequence hasn’t started playing


completion_mode_override (MovieSceneCompletionModeOverride) –

set_disable_camera_cuts(disable_camera_cuts) None

Set whether to disable camera cuts


disable_camera_cuts (bool) –

set_frame_range(start_frame, duration, sub_frames=0.000000) None

Set the valid play range for this sequence, determined by a starting frame number (in this sequence player’s plaback frame), and a number of frames duration

  • start_frame (int32) – The frame number to start playing back the sequence

  • duration (int32) – The number of frames to play

  • sub_frames (float) –

set_frame_rate(frame_rate) None

Set the frame-rate that this player should play with, making all frame numbers in the specified time-space


frame_rate (FrameRate) –

set_play_rate(play_rate) None

Set the playback rate of this player. Negative values will play the animation in reverse.


play_rate (float) – The new rate of playback for the animation.

set_playback_position(playback_params) None

Set the current time of the player by evaluating from the current time to the specified time, as if the sequence is playing. Triggers events that lie within the evaluated range. Does not alter the persistent playback status of the player (IsPlaying).


playback_params (MovieSceneSequencePlaybackParams) – The position settings (ie. the position to set playback to)

set_time_range(start_time, duration) None

Set the valid play range for this sequence, determined by a starting time and a duration (in seconds)

  • start_time (float) – The time to start playing back the sequence in seconds

  • duration (float) – The length to play for

set_weight(weight) None

Set a manual weight to be multiplied with all blendable elements within this sequence note:: It is recommended that a weight between 0 and 1 is supplied, though this is not enforced note:: It is recommended that either FMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings::DynamicWeighting should be true for this player or the asset it’s playing back should be set to enable dynamic weight to avoid undesirable behavior


weight (double) – The weight to suuply to all elements in this sequence

stop() None

Stop playback and move the cursor to the end (or start, for reversed playback) of the sequence.

stop_at_current_time() None

Stop playback without moving the cursor.