
class unreal.ARFilter(package_names: None = [], package_paths: None = [], soft_object_paths: None = [], class_paths: None = [], recursive_class_paths_exclusion_set: None = [], class_names: None = [], recursive_classes_exclusion_set: None = [], recursive_paths: bool = False, recursive_classes: bool = False, include_only_on_disk_assets: bool = False)

Bases: StructBase

A struct to serve as a filter for Asset Registry queries. (mirrored in ARFilter.h)

C++ Source:

  • Module: CoreUObject

  • File: NoExportTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • class_names (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] [DEPRECATED] - Class names are now represented by path names. Please use ClassPaths instead. deprecated: Short asset class names must be converted to full asset pathnames. Use ClassPaths instead.

  • class_paths (Array[TopLevelAssetPath]): [Read-Write] The filter component for class path names. Instances of the specified classes, but not subclasses (by default), will be included. Derived classes will be included only if bRecursiveClasses is true.

  • include_only_on_disk_assets (bool): [Read-Write] If true, only on-disk assets will be returned. Be warned that this is rarely what you want and should only be used for performance reasons

  • package_names (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] The filter component for package names

  • package_paths (Array[Name]): [Read-Write] The filter component for package paths

  • recursive_class_paths_exclusion_set (Set[TopLevelAssetPath]): [Read-Write] Only if bRecursiveClasses is true, the results will exclude classes (and subclasses) in this list

  • recursive_classes (bool): [Read-Write] If true, subclasses of ClassNames will also be included and RecursiveClassesExclusionSet will be excluded.

  • recursive_classes_exclusion_set (Set[Name]): [Read-Write] [DEPRECATED] - Class names are now represented by path names. Please use RecursiveClassPathsExclusionSet instead. deprecated: Short asset class names must be converted to full asset pathnames. Use RecursiveClassPathsExclusionSet instead.

  • recursive_paths (bool): [Read-Write] If true, PackagePath components will be recursive

  • soft_object_paths (Array[SoftObjectPath]): [Read-Write] The filter component containing specific object paths

property class_names: None

[Read-Write] [DEPRECATED] - Class names are now represented by path names. Please use ClassPaths instead. deprecated: Short asset class names must be converted to full asset pathnames. Use ClassPaths instead.



property class_paths: None

[Read-Write] The filter component for class path names. Instances of the specified classes, but not subclasses (by default), will be included. Derived classes will be included only if bRecursiveClasses is true.



get_blueprint_assets() Array[AssetData]

Gets asset data for all blueprint assets that match the filter. ClassPaths in the filter specify the blueprint’s parent class.


out_asset_data (Array[AssetData]):

Return type:


property include_only_on_disk_assets: bool

[Read-Write] If true, only on-disk assets will be returned. Be warned that this is rarely what you want and should only be used for performance reasons



property package_names: None

[Read-Write] The filter component for package names



property package_paths: None

[Read-Write] The filter component for package paths



property recursive_class_paths_exclusion_set: None

[Read-Write] Only if bRecursiveClasses is true, the results will exclude classes (and subclasses) in this list



property recursive_classes: bool

[Read-Write] If true, subclasses of ClassNames will also be included and RecursiveClassesExclusionSet will be excluded.



property recursive_classes_exclusion_set: None

[Read-Write] [DEPRECATED] - Class names are now represented by path names. Please use RecursiveClassPathsExclusionSet instead. deprecated: Short asset class names must be converted to full asset pathnames. Use RecursiveClassPathsExclusionSet instead.



property recursive_paths: bool

[Read-Write] If true, PackagePath components will be recursive



property soft_object_paths: None

[Read-Write] The filter component containing specific object paths

