
class unreal.AnimNode_AnimDynamics(component_pose: ComponentSpacePoseLink = [], lod_threshold: int = 0, alpha_input_type: AnimAlphaInputType = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_enabled: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.0, alpha_scale_bias: InputScaleBias = Ellipsis, alpha_bool_blend: InputAlphaBoolBlend = Ellipsis, alpha_curve_name: Name = 'None', alpha_scale_bias_clamp: InputScaleBiasClamp = Ellipsis, linear_damping_override: float = 0.0, angular_damping_override: float = 0.0, gravity_scale: float = 0.0, gravity_override: Vector = Ellipsis, linear_spring_constant: float = 0.0, angular_spring_constant: float = 0.0, angular_bias_override: float = 0.0, simulation_space: AnimPhysSimSpaceType = Ellipsis, use_gravity_override: bool = False)

Bases: AnimNode_SkeletalControlBase

Anim Node Anim Dynamics

C++ Source:

  • Module: AnimGraphRuntime

  • File: AnimNode_AnimDynamics.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • alpha (float): [Read-Write] Current strength of the skeletal control

  • alpha_bool_blend (InputAlphaBoolBlend): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_bool_enabled (bool): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_curve_name (Name): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_input_type (AnimAlphaInputType): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias (InputScaleBias): [Read-Write]

  • alpha_scale_bias_clamp (InputScaleBiasClamp): [Read-Write]

  • angular_bias_override (float): [Read-Write] Overridden angular bias value Angular bias is essentially a twist reduction for chain forces and defaults to a value to keep chains stability in check. When using single-body systems sometimes angular forces will look like they are “catching-up” with the mesh, if that’s the case override this and push it towards 1.0f until it settles correctly

  • angular_damping_override (float): [Read-Write] Overridden angular damping value. The default is 0.7. Values below 0.7 won’t have an effect.

  • angular_spring (bool): [Read-Write] If true the body will attempt to align itself with the specified angular target

  • angular_spring_constant (float): [Read-Write] Spring constant to use when calculating angular springs, higher values mean a stronger spring. You need to enable the Angular Spring checkbox for this to have an effect. Note: Make sure to also set the Angular Target Axis and Angular Target in the Constraint Setup for this to have an effect.

  • bound_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] The bone to attach the physics body to, if bChain is true this is the top of the chain

  • chain (bool): [Read-Write] Set to true to use the solver to simulate a connected chain

  • chain_end (BoneReference): [Read-Write] If bChain is true this is the bottom of the chain, otherwise ignored

  • component_applied_linear_acc_clamp (Vector): [Read-Write] When using non-world-space sim, this is an overall clamp on acceleration derived from ComponentLinearAccScale and ComponentLinearVelScale, to ensure it is not too large.

  • component_linear_acc_scale (Vector): [Read-Write] When using non-world-space sim, this controls how much of the components world-space acceleration is passed on to the local-space simulation.

  • component_linear_vel_scale (Vector): [Read-Write] When using non-world-space sim, this applies a ‘drag’ to the bodies in the local space simulation, based on the components world-space velocity.

  • component_pose (ComponentSpacePoseLink): [Read-Write] Input link

  • do_eval (bool): [Read-Write] If true we will perform bone transform evaluation, otherwise skip - allows visualization of the initial anim state compared to the physics sim

  • do_update (bool): [Read-Write] If true we will perform physics update, otherwise skip - allows visualization of the initial state of the bodies

  • enable_wind (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not wind is enabled for the bodies in this simulation

  • external_force (Vector): [Read-Write] An external force to apply to all bodies in the simulation when ticked, specified in world space

  • gravity_override (Vector): [Read-Write] Gravity Override Value

  • gravity_override_in_sim_space (bool): [Read-Write] If true the gravity override value is defined in simulation space, by default it is in world space

  • gravity_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale for gravity, higher values increase forces due to gravity

  • linear_damping_override (float): [Read-Write] Overridden linear damping value. The default is 0.7. Values below 0.7 won’t have an effect.

  • linear_spring (bool): [Read-Write] If true the body will attempt to spring back to its initial position

  • linear_spring_constant (float): [Read-Write] Spring constant to use when calculating linear springs, higher values mean a stronger spring. You need to enable the Linear Spring checkbox for this to have an effect.

  • lod_threshold (int32): [Read-Write] * Max LOD that this node is allowed to run * For example if you have LODThreshold to be 2, it will run until LOD 2 (based on 0 index) * when the component LOD becomes 3, it will stop update/evaluate * currently transition would be issue and that has to be re-visited

  • num_solver_iterations_post_update (int32): [Read-Write] Number of update passes on the linear and angular limits after we solve the position of the bodies, recommended to be around a quarter of NumSolverIterationsPreUpdate

  • num_solver_iterations_pre_update (int32): [Read-Write] Number of update passes on the linear and angular limits before we solve the position of the bodies recommended to be four times the value of NumSolverIterationsPostUpdate

  • override_angular_bias (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the override value will be used for the angular bias for bodies in this node. Angular bias is essentially a twist reduction for chain forces and defaults to a value to keep chains stability in check. When using single-body systems sometimes angular forces will look like they are “catching-up” with the mesh, if that’s the case override this and push it towards 1.0f until it settles correctly

  • override_angular_damping (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the override value will be used for angular damping

  • override_linear_damping (bool): [Read-Write] If true, the override value will be used for linear damping

  • physics_body_definitions (Array[AnimPhysBodyDefinition]): [Read-Write]

  • planar_limits (Array[AnimPhysPlanarLimit]): [Read-Write] List of available planar limits for this node

  • relative_space_bone (BoneReference): [Read-Write] When in BoneRelative sim space, the simulation will use this bone as the origin

  • retargeting_settings (RotationRetargetingInfo): [Read-Write] The settings for rotation retargeting

  • simulation_space (AnimPhysSimSpaceType): [Read-Write] The space used to run the simulation

  • spherical_limits (Array[AnimPhysSphericalLimit]): [Read-Write] List of available spherical limits for this node

  • use_gravity_override (bool): [Read-Write] Use gravity override value vs gravity scale

  • use_planar_limit (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to evaluate planar limits

  • use_spherical_limits (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to evaluate spherical limits

  • wind_scale (float): [Read-Write] Scale to apply to calculated wind velocities in the solver

property angular_bias_override: float

[Read-Write] Overridden angular bias value Angular bias is essentially a twist reduction for chain forces and defaults to a value to keep chains stability in check. When using single-body systems sometimes angular forces will look like they are “catching-up” with the mesh, if that’s the case override this and push it towards 1.0f until it settles correctly



property angular_damping_override: float

[Read-Write] Overridden angular damping value. The default is 0.7. Values below 0.7 won’t have an effect.



property angular_spring_constant: float

[Read-Write] Spring constant to use when calculating angular springs, higher values mean a stronger spring. You need to enable the Angular Spring checkbox for this to have an effect. Note: Make sure to also set the Angular Target Axis and Angular Target in the Constraint Setup for this to have an effect.



property gravity_override: Vector

[Read-Write] Gravity Override Value



property gravity_scale: float

[Read-Write] Scale for gravity, higher values increase forces due to gravity



property linear_damping_override: float

[Read-Write] Overridden linear damping value. The default is 0.7. Values below 0.7 won’t have an effect.



property linear_spring_constant: float

[Read-Write] Spring constant to use when calculating linear springs, higher values mean a stronger spring. You need to enable the Linear Spring checkbox for this to have an effect.



property simulation_space: AnimPhysSimSpaceType

[Read-Write] The space used to run the simulation



property use_gravity_override: bool

[Read-Write] Use gravity override value vs gravity scale

