
class unreal.AudioVolumeSubmixSendSettings(listener_location_state: AudioVolumeLocationState = Ellipsis, submix_sends: None = [])

Bases: StructBase

Struct to determine dynamic submix send data for use with audio volumes.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: AudioVolume.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • listener_location_state (AudioVolumeLocationState): [Read-Write] The state the listener needs to be in, relative to the audio volume, for this submix send list to be used for a given sound

  • submix_sends (Array[SoundSubmixSendInfo]): [Read-Write] Submix send array for sounds that are in the ListenerLocationState at the same time as the listener

property listener_location_state: AudioVolumeLocationState

[Read-Write] The state the listener needs to be in, relative to the audio volume, for this submix send list to be used for a given sound



property submix_sends: None

[Read-Write] Submix send array for sounds that are in the ListenerLocationState at the same time as the listener

