
class unreal.AvaFont

Bases: StructBase

Ava Font

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Avalanche

  • Module: AvalancheText

  • File: AvaFont.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • current_font (Font): [Read-Write] Deprecated - used to reference the font used by FAvaFont. Older assets still have the font stored in this field. Calling GetFont() will move the font to the currently used MotionDesignFontObject property deprecated: MotionDesignFontObject is the property currently handling the font.

property current_font: Font

[Read-Write] Deprecated - used to reference the font used by FAvaFont. Older assets still have the font stored in this field. Calling GetFont() will move the font to the currently used MotionDesignFontObject property deprecated: MotionDesignFontObject is the property currently handling the font.

