
class unreal.GeometryCollection(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

UGeometryCollectionObject (UObject)

UObject wrapper for the FGeometryCollection

C++ Source:

  • Module: GeometryCollectionEngine

  • File: GeometryCollectionObject.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • asset_import_data (AssetImportData): [Read-Write] Importing data and options used for this geometry collection

  • asset_user_data (Array[AssetUserData]): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the asset

  • auto_instance_meshes (Array[GeometryCollectionAutoInstanceMesh]): [Read-Write] List of unique static mesh / materials pairs for auto instancing.

  • cluster_connection_type (ClusterConnectionTypeEnum): [Read-Write]

  • cluster_group_index (int32): [Read-Write] Maximum level for cluster breaks.

  • collision_object_reduction_percentage (float): [Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def: 10) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • collision_particles_fraction (float): [Read-Write] Number of particles on the triangulated surface to use for collisions. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • collision_type (CollisionTypeEnum): [Read-Write] * CollisionType defines how to initialize the rigid collision structures. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • connection_graph_bounds_filtering_margin (float): [Read-Write]

  • convert_vertex_colors_to_srgb (bool): [Read-Write] Convert vertex colors to sRGB for rendering. Exposed to avoid changing vertex color rendering for legacy assets; should typically be true for new geometry collections.

  • custom_renderer_type (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Custom class type that will be used to render the geometry collection instead of using the native rendering.

  • damage_model (DamageModelTypeEnum): [Read-Write] Damage model to use for evaluating destruction.

  • damage_propagation_data (GeometryCollectionDamagePropagationData): [Read-Write] Data about how damage propagation shoudl behave.

  • damage_threshold (Array[float]): [Read-Write] Damage threshold for clusters at different levels.

  • dataflow_asset (Dataflow): [Read-Write] Dataflow

  • dataflow_terminal (str): [Read-Write]

  • density_from_physics_material (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to use density ( for mass computation ) from physics material ( if physics material is not set, use the component one or defaults )

  • embedded_geometry_exemplar (Array[GeometryCollectionEmbeddedExemplar]): [Read-Write] References for embedded geometry generation

  • enable_clustering (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_nanite (bool): [Read-Write] Enable support for Nanite.

  • enable_remove_pieces_on_fracture (bool): [Read-Write] Enable remove pieces on fracture deprecated: Use remove on break feature instead ( Fracture editor tools ).

  • geometry_source (Array[GeometryCollectionSource]): [Read-Write]

  • implicit_type (ImplicitTypeEnum): [Read-Write] * CollisionType defines how to initialize the rigid collision structures. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • import_collision_from_source (bool): [Read-Write] whether to import collision from the source asset

  • mass (float): [Read-Write] Total Mass of Collection. If density, units are in kg/m^3 ( only enabled if physics material is not set )

  • mass_as_density (bool): [Read-Write] Mass As Density, units are in kg/m^3 ( only enabled if physics material is not set )

  • materials (Array[MaterialInterface]): [Read-Write]

  • max_cluster_level (int32): [Read-Write] Maximum level for cluster breaks.

  • max_cluster_level_set_resolution (int32): [Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def: 10) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • max_level_set_resolution (int32): [Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def: 10) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • maximum_collision_particles (int32): [Read-Write] Max number of particles. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • maximum_sleep_time (Vector2D): [Read-Write] How long may the particle sleep before initiating removal (in seconds).

  • min_cluster_level_set_resolution (int32): [Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def: 5) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • min_level_set_resolution (int32): [Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def: 5) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.

  • minimum_mass_clamp (float): [Read-Write] Smallest allowable mass (def:0.1)

  • overrides (Map[str, str]): [Read-Write]

  • per_cluster_only_damage_threshold (bool): [Read-Write] compatibility check, when true, only cluster compute damage from parameters and propagate to direct children when false, each child will compute it’s damage threshold allowing for more precise and intuitive destruction behavior

  • physics_material (PhysicalMaterial): [Read-Write] Physics material to use for the geometry collection

  • removal_duration (Vector2D): [Read-Write] How long does the removal process take (in seconds).

  • remove_on_fracture_materials (Array[MaterialInterface]): [Read-Write] Materials relating to remove on fracture deprecated: Use remove on break feature instead ( Fracture editor tools ).

  • remove_on_max_sleep (bool): [Read-Write] Remove particle from simulation and dissolve rendered geometry once sleep threshold has been exceeded.

  • root_index (int32): [Read-Only] cached root index for faster queries

  • root_proxy (SoftObjectPath): [Read-Write] static mesh to use as a proxy for rendering until the geometry collection is broken deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use RootProxyData instead.

  • root_proxy_data (GeometryCollectionProxyMeshData): [Read-Write] Static mesh to use as a proxy for rendering until the geometry collection is broken.

  • scale_on_removal (bool): [Read-Write] When enabled, particle will scale down (shrink) when using being removed ( using both remove on sleep or remove on break ) - Enabled by default

  • size_specific_data (Array[GeometryCollectionSizeSpecificData]): [Read-Write] * Size Specfic Data reflects the default geometry to bind to rigid bodies smaller * than the max size volume. This can also be empty to reflect no collision geometry * for the collection.

  • slow_moving_as_sleeping (bool): [Read-Write] when on non-sleeping, slow moving pieces will be considered as sleeping, this helps removal of jittery but not really moving objects.

  • slow_moving_velocity_threshold (float): [Read-Write] When slow moving detection is on, this defines the linear velocity thresholds in cm/s to consider the object as sleeping .

  • strip_on_cook (bool): [Read-Write] Strip unnecessary data from the Geometry Collection to keep the memory footprint as small as possible.

  • strip_render_data_on_cook (bool): [Read-Write] Strip unnecessary render data from the Geometry Collection to keep the memory footprint as small as possible. This may be used if the cooked build uses a custom renderer such as the ISMPool renderer.

  • thumbnail_info (ThumbnailInfo): [Read-Only] Information for thumbnail rendering

  • use_full_precision_u_vs (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to use full precision UVs when rendering this geometry. (Does not apply to Nanite rendering)

  • use_size_specific_damage_threshold (bool): [Read-Write] whether to use size specific damage threshold instead of level based ones ( see Size Specific Data array ).

property asset_import_data: AssetImportData

[Read-Write] Importing data and options used for this geometry collection



property collision_object_reduction_percentage: float

10) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.




[Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def

property collision_particles_fraction: float

[Read-Write] Number of particles on the triangulated surface to use for collisions. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.



property collision_type: CollisionTypeEnum

[Read-Write] * CollisionType defines how to initialize the rigid collision structures. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.



property convert_vertex_colors_to_srgb: bool

[Read-Write] Convert vertex colors to sRGB for rendering. Exposed to avoid changing vertex color rendering for legacy assets; should typically be true for new geometry collections.



property custom_renderer_type: Class

[Read-Write] Custom class type that will be used to render the geometry collection instead of using the native rendering.



property damage_model: DamageModelTypeEnum

[Read-Write] Damage model to use for evaluating destruction.



property dataflow_asset: Dataflow

[Read-Write] Dataflow



property density_from_physics_material: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to use density ( for mass computation ) from physics material ( if physics material is not set, use the component one or defaults )



property enable_nanite: bool

[Read-Write] Enable support for Nanite.



property enable_remove_pieces_on_fracture: bool

[Read-Write] Enable remove pieces on fracture deprecated: Use remove on break feature instead ( Fracture editor tools ).



property geometry_source: None




property implicit_type: ImplicitTypeEnum

[Read-Write] * CollisionType defines how to initialize the rigid collision structures. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.



property import_collision_from_source: bool

[Read-Write] whether to import collision from the source asset



property mass: float

[Read-Write] Total Mass of Collection. If density, units are in kg/m^3 ( only enabled if physics material is not set )



property mass_as_density: bool

[Read-Write] Mass As Density, units are in kg/m^3 ( only enabled if physics material is not set )



property max_cluster_level_set_resolution: int

10) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.




[Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def

property max_level_set_resolution: int

10) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.




[Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def

property maximum_collision_particles: int

[Read-Write] Max number of particles. deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.



property maximum_sleep_time: Vector2D

[Read-Only] How long may the particle sleep before initiating removal (in seconds).



property min_cluster_level_set_resolution: int

5) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.




[Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def

property min_level_set_resolution: int

5) deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use the default SizeSpecificData instead.




[Read-Write] * Resolution on the smallest axes for the level set. (def

property minimum_mass_clamp: float





[Read-Only] Smallest allowable mass (def

property overrides: None



(Map[str, str])

property physics_material: PhysicalMaterial

[Read-Only] Physics material to use for the geometry collection



property removal_duration: Vector2D

[Read-Only] How long does the removal process take (in seconds).



property remove_on_fracture_materials: None

[Read-Write] Materials relating to remove on fracture deprecated: Use remove on break feature instead ( Fracture editor tools ).



property remove_on_max_sleep: bool

[Read-Only] Remove particle from simulation and dissolve rendered geometry once sleep threshold has been exceeded.



property root_proxy: SoftObjectPath

[Read-Write] static mesh to use as a proxy for rendering until the geometry collection is broken deprecated: This property is deprecated. Use RootProxyData instead.



property root_proxy_data: GeometryCollectionProxyMeshData

[Read-Write] Static mesh to use as a proxy for rendering until the geometry collection is broken.



property scale_on_removal: bool

[Read-Write] When enabled, particle will scale down (shrink) when using being removed ( using both remove on sleep or remove on break ) - Enabled by default



set_convert_vertex_colors_to_srgb(value) None

Set Convert Vertex Colors to SRGB


value (bool) –

set_enable_nanite(value) None

Set Enable Nanite


value (bool) –

property slow_moving_as_sleeping: bool

[Read-Only] when on non-sleeping, slow moving pieces will be considered as sleeping, this helps removal of jittery but not really moving objects.



property slow_moving_velocity_threshold: float

[Read-Only] When slow moving detection is on, this defines the linear velocity thresholds in cm/s to consider the object as sleeping .



property strip_on_cook: bool

[Read-Write] Strip unnecessary data from the Geometry Collection to keep the memory footprint as small as possible.



property strip_render_data_on_cook: bool

[Read-Write] Strip unnecessary render data from the Geometry Collection to keep the memory footprint as small as possible. This may be used if the cooked build uses a custom renderer such as the ISMPool renderer.

