
class unreal.PhysicsControlSparseData(linear_strength: float = 0.0, linear_damping_ratio: float = 0.0, linear_extra_damping: float = 0.0, max_force: float = 0.0, angular_strength: float = 0.0, angular_damping_ratio: float = 0.0, angular_extra_damping: float = 0.0, max_torque: float = 0.0, linear_target_velocity_multiplier: float = 0.0, angular_target_velocity_multiplier: float = 0.0, skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier: float = 0.0, custom_control_point: Vector = Ellipsis, enabled: bool = False, use_custom_control_point: bool = False, use_skeletal_animation: bool = False, disable_collision: bool = False, only_control_child_object: bool = False)

Bases: StructBase

Strength and damping etc parameters that will affect a control, with flags indicating whether each element should get used.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PhysicsControl

  • Module: PhysicsControl

  • File: PhysicsControlData.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • angular_damping_ratio (float): [Read-Write] The amount of damping associated with the angular strength. A value of 1 Results in critically damped motion where the control drives as quickly as possible to the target without overshooting. Values > 1 result in more damped motion, and values below 1 result in faster, but more “wobbly” motion.

  • angular_extra_damping (float): [Read-Write] The amount of additional angular damping. This is added to the damping that comes from AngularDampingRatio and can be useful when you want damping even when AngularStrength is zero.

  • angular_strength (float): [Read-Write] The strength used to drive angular motion

  • angular_target_velocity_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Multiplier on the angular velocity, which gets applied to the damping. A value of 1 means the animation target velocity is used, which helps it track the animation. A value of 0 means damping happens in “world space” - so damping acts like drag on the movement. NOTE This is currently only used in the RigidBodyWithControl implementation

  • custom_control_point (Vector): [Read-Write] The position of the control point relative to the child mesh, when using a custom control point.

  • disable_collision (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not this control should disable collision between the parent and child bodies (only has an effect if there is a parent body)

  • enable_angular_damping_ratio (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_angular_extra_damping (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_angular_strength (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_angular_target_velocity_multiplier (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_custom_control_point (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_linear_damping_ratio (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_linear_extra_damping (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_linear_strength (bool): [Read-Write] Flags for sparse access

  • enable_linear_target_velocity_multiplier (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_max_force (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_max_torque (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enable_skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enableb_disable_collision (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enableb_enabled (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enableb_only_control_child_object (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enableb_use_custom_control_point (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enableb_use_skeletal_animation (bool): [Read-Write]

  • enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Whether this control should be enabled

  • linear_damping_ratio (float): [Read-Write] The amount of damping associated with the linear strength. A value of 1 Results in critically damped motion where the control drives as quickly as possible to the target without overshooting. Values > 1 result in more damped motion, and values below 1 result in faster, but more “wobbly” motion.

  • linear_extra_damping (float): [Read-Write] The amount of additional linear damping. This is added to the damping that comes from LinearDampingRatio and can be useful when you want damping even when LinearStrength is zero.

  • linear_strength (float): [Read-Write] The strength used to drive linear motion

  • linear_target_velocity_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] Multiplier on the velocity, which gets applied to the damping. A value of 1 means the animation target velocity is used, which helps it track the animation. A value of 0 means damping happens in “world space” - so damping acts like drag on the movement. NOTE This is currently only used in the RigidBodyWithControl implementation

  • max_force (float): [Read-Write] The maximum force used to drive the linear motion. Zero indicates no limit. Note - not yet implemented for RigidBodyWithControl

  • max_torque (float): [Read-Write] The maximum torque used to drive the angular motion. Zero indicates no limit. Note - not yet implemented for RigidBodyWithControl

  • only_control_child_object (bool): [Read-Write] If true then the control will only affect the child object, not the parent

  • skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier (float): [Read-Write] The amount of skeletal animation velocity to use in the targets NOTE This is currently only used in the PhysicsControlComponent implementation

  • use_custom_control_point (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to use the custom control point position

  • use_skeletal_animation (bool): [Read-Write] If true then the target will be applied on top of the skeletal animation (if there is any)

property angular_damping_ratio: float

[Read-Write] The amount of damping associated with the angular strength. A value of 1 Results in critically damped motion where the control drives as quickly as possible to the target without overshooting. Values > 1 result in more damped motion, and values below 1 result in faster, but more “wobbly” motion.



property angular_extra_damping: float

[Read-Write] The amount of additional angular damping. This is added to the damping that comes from AngularDampingRatio and can be useful when you want damping even when AngularStrength is zero.



property angular_strength: float

[Read-Write] The strength used to drive angular motion



property angular_target_velocity_multiplier: float

[Read-Write] Multiplier on the angular velocity, which gets applied to the damping. A value of 1 means the animation target velocity is used, which helps it track the animation. A value of 0 means damping happens in “world space” - so damping acts like drag on the movement. NOTE This is currently only used in the RigidBodyWithControl implementation



property custom_control_point: Vector

[Read-Write] The position of the control point relative to the child mesh, when using a custom control point.



property disable_collision: bool

[Read-Write] Whether or not this control should disable collision between the parent and child bodies (only has an effect if there is a parent body)



property enabled: bool

[Read-Write] Whether this control should be enabled



property linear_damping_ratio: float

[Read-Write] The amount of damping associated with the linear strength. A value of 1 Results in critically damped motion where the control drives as quickly as possible to the target without overshooting. Values > 1 result in more damped motion, and values below 1 result in faster, but more “wobbly” motion.



property linear_extra_damping: float

[Read-Write] The amount of additional linear damping. This is added to the damping that comes from LinearDampingRatio and can be useful when you want damping even when LinearStrength is zero.



property linear_strength: float

[Read-Write] The strength used to drive linear motion



property linear_target_velocity_multiplier: float

[Read-Write] Multiplier on the velocity, which gets applied to the damping. A value of 1 means the animation target velocity is used, which helps it track the animation. A value of 0 means damping happens in “world space” - so damping acts like drag on the movement. NOTE This is currently only used in the RigidBodyWithControl implementation



property max_force: float

[Read-Write] The maximum force used to drive the linear motion. Zero indicates no limit. Note - not yet implemented for RigidBodyWithControl



property max_torque: float

[Read-Write] The maximum torque used to drive the angular motion. Zero indicates no limit. Note - not yet implemented for RigidBodyWithControl



property only_control_child_object: bool

[Read-Write] If true then the control will only affect the child object, not the parent



property skeletal_animation_velocity_multiplier: float

[Read-Write] The amount of skeletal animation velocity to use in the targets NOTE This is currently only used in the PhysicsControlComponent implementation



property use_custom_control_point: bool

[Read-Write] Whether or not to use the custom control point position



property use_skeletal_animation: bool

[Read-Write] If true then the target will be applied on top of the skeletal animation (if there is any)

