
class unreal.PlayMoverMontageCallbackProxy(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: PlayMontageCallbackProxy

Runtime object used as a proxy to an async blueprint task node that runs animation montages on Mover actors. This leverages parent UPlayMontageCallbackProxy to perform animation, while adding an accompanying layered move to handle any root motion from the montage.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Mover

  • Module: Mover

  • File: PlayMoverMontageCallbackProxy.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • on_blend_out (OnMontagePlayDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when Montage starts blending out and is not interrupted

  • on_completed (OnMontagePlayDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when Montage finished playing and wasn’t interrupted

  • on_interrupted (OnMontagePlayDelegate): [Read-Write] Called when Montage has been interrupted (or failed to play)

  • on_notify_begin (OnMontagePlayDelegate): [Read-Write]

  • on_notify_end (OnMontagePlayDelegate): [Read-Write]