
class unreal.PredictProjectilePathParams(start_location: Vector = Ellipsis, launch_velocity: Vector = Ellipsis, trace_with_collision: bool = False, projectile_radius: float = 0.0, max_sim_time: float = 0.0, trace_with_channel: bool = False, trace_channel: CollisionChannel = Ellipsis, object_types: None = [], actors_to_ignore: None = [], sim_frequency: float = 0.0, override_gravity_z: float = 0.0, draw_debug_type: DrawDebugTrace = Ellipsis, draw_debug_time: float = 0.0, trace_complex: bool = False)

Bases: StructBase

Input parameters to PredictProjectilePath functions.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: GameplayStaticsTypes.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • actors_to_ignore (Array[Actor]): [Read-Write] Actors to ignore when tracing with collision.

  • draw_debug_time (float): [Read-Write] Duration of debug lines (only relevant for DrawDebugType::Duration)

  • draw_debug_type (DrawDebugTrace): [Read-Write] Debug drawing duration option.

  • launch_velocity (Vector): [Read-Write] Initial launch velocity at the start of the trace.

  • max_sim_time (float): [Read-Write] Maximum simulation time for the virtual projectile.

  • object_types (Array[ObjectTypeQuery]): [Read-Write] Object type to use, if tracing with collision.

  • override_gravity_z (float): [Read-Write] Optional override of Gravity (if 0, uses WorldGravityZ).

  • projectile_radius (float): [Read-Write] Projectile radius, used when tracing for collision. If <= 0, a line trace is used instead.

  • sim_frequency (float): [Read-Write] Determines size of each sub-step in the simulation (chopping up MaxSimTime). Recommended between 10 to 30 depending on desired quality versus performance.

  • start_location (Vector): [Read-Write] Location of the start of the trace.

  • trace_channel (CollisionChannel): [Read-Write] Trace channel to use, if tracing with collision.

  • trace_complex (bool): [Read-Write] Trace against complex collision (triangles rather than simple primitives) if tracing with collision.

  • trace_with_channel (bool): [Read-Write] Whether or not to use TraceChannel, if tracing with collision.

  • trace_with_collision (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to trace along the path looking for blocking collision and stopping at the first hit.

property actors_to_ignore: None

[Read-Write] Actors to ignore when tracing with collision.



property draw_debug_time: float

[Read-Write] Duration of debug lines (only relevant for DrawDebugType::Duration)



property draw_debug_type: DrawDebugTrace

[Read-Write] Debug drawing duration option.



property launch_velocity: Vector

[Read-Write] Initial launch velocity at the start of the trace.



property max_sim_time: float

[Read-Write] Maximum simulation time for the virtual projectile.



property object_types: None

[Read-Write] Object type to use, if tracing with collision.



property override_gravity_z: float

[Read-Write] Optional override of Gravity (if 0, uses WorldGravityZ).



property projectile_radius: float

[Read-Write] Projectile radius, used when tracing for collision. If <= 0, a line trace is used instead.



property sim_frequency: float

[Read-Write] Determines size of each sub-step in the simulation (chopping up MaxSimTime). Recommended between 10 to 30 depending on desired quality versus performance.



property start_location: Vector

[Read-Write] Location of the start of the trace.



property trace_channel: CollisionChannel

[Read-Write] Trace channel to use, if tracing with collision.



property trace_complex: bool

[Read-Write] Trace against complex collision (triangles rather than simple primitives) if tracing with collision.



property trace_with_channel: bool

[Read-Write] Whether or not to use TraceChannel, if tracing with collision.



property trace_with_collision: bool

[Read-Write] Whether to trace along the path looking for blocking collision and stopping at the first hit.

