
class unreal.PythonObjectHandle(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: Object

Handle object to wrap a Python object for use as a UPROPERTY on a UCLASS or USTRUCT. This allows Python generated types to store arbitrary Python objects as native properties, rather than rely on the lifetime of the Python wrapper object to keep a non-property object reference alive.

The following functions are available in Python script to interact with these handles:
  • unreal.create_python_object_handle(obj) -> handle - Creates an unreal.PythonObjectHandle from a given PyObject.

  • unreal.resolve_python_object_handle(handle) -> obj - Resolves an unreal.PythonObjectHandle to its PyObject, or None.

  • unreal.destroy_python_object_handle(handle) - Destroys an unreal.PythonObjectHandle (clearing its PyObject reference).

Manually calling destroy is optional, but can be useful when you need to immediately clean-up a reference to the wrapped Python object, rather than wait for UE GC to clean it up at an arbitrary point in the future.

This can be used to create a property on Python generated types via the standard unreal.uproperty syntax, eg):

MyObjectHandleProperty = unreal.uproperty(unreal.PythonObjectHandle)

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: PythonScriptPlugin

  • Module: PythonScriptPlugin

  • File: PyWrapperBase.h