
class unreal.TG_Expression_Noise(outer: Object | None = None, name: Name | str = 'None')

Bases: TG_Expression

TG Expression Noise

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: TextureGraph

  • Module: TextureGraph

  • File: TG_Expression_Noise.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • amplitude (float): [Read-Write] The magnitude or strength of the variations introduced by procedural noise. Adjusting this parameter can control the intensity or impact of procedural noise on textures or effects.

  • frequency (float): [Read-Write] Determines how quickly or slowly the patterns change within the generated noise

  • lacunarity (float): [Read-Write] Number that determines how much detail is added to or removed from the noise signal (adjusts frequency)

  • noise_type (NoiseType): [Read-Write] The type of the noise function

  • octaves (int32): [Read-Write] The number of levels of details that you want from the noise signal

  • output (TG_Texture): [Read-Write] The generated noise texture

  • persistence (float): [Read-Write] Number that determines how much each octave contributes to the overall shape of the noise signal (adjusts amplitude)

  • seed (int32): [Read-Write] A value used to initialize or “seed” a random number generator when generating procedural noise. Changing the noise seed produces different patterns or variations in the generated noise.

property noise_type: NoiseType

[Read-Write] The type of the noise function

